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RNA splicing in the heart: Changing parts and performance - Front matter


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RNA splicing in the heart

Changing parts and performance

van den Hoogenhof, M.M.G.

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Citation for published version (APA):

van den Hoogenhof, M. M. G. (2018). RNA splicing in the heart: Changing parts and


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RNA splicing in the heart

Changing parts and performance


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Ipskamp Printing, Enschede Cover

Judith Segers, Kleinood Design, www.kleinood.me © Maarten van den Hoogenhof, 2018

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RNA splicing in the heart

Changing parts and performance

Academisch Proefschrift

ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam

op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. dr. ir. K.I.J. Maex

ten overstaan van een door het College voor Promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Agnietenkapel

op dinsdag 3 april 2018, te 14:00 uur


Maarten Marinus Gerardus van den Hoogenhof


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Processed on: 9-2-2018 PDF page: 3PDF page: 3PDF page: 3PDF page: 3

RNA splicing in the heart

Changing parts and performance

Academisch Proefschrift

ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnificus

prof. dr. ir. K.I.J. Maex

ten overstaan van een door het College voor Promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Agnietenkapel

op dinsdag 3 april 2018, te 14:00 uur


Maarten Marinus Gerardus van den Hoogenhof


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Processed on: 9-2-2018 PDF page: 4PDF page: 4PDF page: 4PDF page: 4


Promotor: prof.dr. Y.M. Pinto AMC-UvA Copromotor: dr. E.E.J.M. Creemers AMC-UvA

Overige leden: prof. dr. J.D. Molkentin University of Cincinnati prof. dr. J. Backs University of Heidelberg prof. dr. L.J. de Windt Maastricht University prof. dr. V.M. Christoffels AMC-UvA

dr. R. Coronel AMC-UvA prof. dr. C.J.F. van Noorden AMC-UvA Faculteit der Geneeskunde

The research described in this thesis was supported by a grant of the Dutch Heart Foundation (CVON-ARENA-2011-11).

Financial support by AMC Medical Research and the Dutch Heart Foundation for the publication of this thesis is gratefully acknowledged.


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Processed on: 9-2-2018 PDF page: 5PDF page: 5PDF page: 5PDF page: 5


Introduction and scope of the thesis

Chapter 1: RNA splicing; Regulation and dysregulation in the heart Chapter 2: RBM20 mutations cause an arrhythmogenic dilated

cardiomyopathy related to disturbed calcium handling Chapter 3: RBM20 regulates circular RNA production from the Titin gene

Chapter 4: Cardiac circRNAs arise mainly from constitutive exons rather than alternatively spliced exons

Chapter 5: AAV9-mediated Rbm24 overexpression induces fibrosis in the mouse heart

Chapter 6: The RNA-binding protein Rbm38 is dispensable during pressure overload induced cardiac remodeling in mice

Chapter 7: Hypoxia induces alternative splicing changes in cardiomyocytes Summary and future perspectives

Nederlandse samenvatting

Appendix About the author List of Publications Portfolio Acknowledgements/Dankwoord 7 13 45 75 103 131 151 173 189 196 205 206 208 210


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Introduction and Scope

of the thesis


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changing parts and performance

RNA splicing in the heart

M.M.G. van den Hoogenhof

Introduction and Scope

of the thesis


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Processed on: 9-2-2018 PDF page: 8PDF page: 8PDF page: 8PDF page: 8



The main and primary function of the heart is to pump blood through the body to meet its demand of oxygen and nutrients. As these demands can change, so can the function of the heart. Physiological changes include acute changes in cardiac output, by changing heart rate or stroke volume, or if the change in demand persists, the heart can adapt with physiological hypertrophy. However, heart function (or performance) can also change due to pathological stimuli, for example after prolonged hypertension or increased work load after a myocardial infarction, or due to decreased capacity caused by a genetic defect. The molecular mechanisms that underlie changes in cardiac performance are enormously diverse, and certainly incompletely understood. However, since heart disease is a major health issue in the western world1, there is a growing need for additional insight in how the heart functions and adapts. RNA splicing is such a process that can be altered to regulate cardiac performance. RNA is transcribed as a pre-mRNA, which still contains the ‘non-coding’ introns that need to be removed. The removal of these introns and joining of the exons is termed constitutive splicing. Alternative splicing, on the other hand, is the process in which different exons of a single gene can be in- or excluded in different ways in the mature mRNA transcript, and this allows for the creation of a much greater and more complex transcriptome. One of the main consequences of alternative splicing, is the formation of different protein or mRNA isoforms with altered or even opposing functions, with one of the most extreme examples being DSCAM (Down-syndrome cell adhesion molecule) in Drosophila Melanogaster. The DSCAM gene encodes an astonishing 38.000 mRNA different transcripts, each with a different exon composition, a number that even surpasses the total number of protein coding genes in the fly2. An example of how alternative splicing can affect functional properties of the heart, is that of alternative titin (TTN) protein isoforms3. TTN is a giant protein that resides in the sarcomere (the contractile unit of a cardiomyocyte, see Figure 1), and functions as a molecular spring. The passive tension of the cardiomyocyte largely depends on TTN, and changes in TTN isoform expression affect passive tension. In fetal hearts, the larger and more compliant TTN isoform N2BA is expressed, which after birth is gradually replaced with the smaller and stiffer N2B isoform4. This is needed to prevent overfilling of the ventricles due to increased filling pressures in the postnatal heart4. In a diseased heart, a reverse isoform switch happens, from the N2B towards the N2BA isoform. During diastole, this will be beneficial as it makes it easier to fill the ventricles, but during systole this is detrimental, as it will decrease contractility5. Moreover, missplicing of TTN due to mutations in the splicing factor RBM20, is causal for heart disease6, 7. In that sense, alternative splicing can both be a cause and a consequence of disease. A relatively new RNA species is that of circular RNAs (circRNAs). Despite their discovery in 19798, they were long presumed to be accidental by-products of splicing without a function9. CircRNAs are formed by the spliceosome, but instead of joining a 5’ splice site with a downstream 3’ splice site, it joins a 5’ splice site with an upstream 3’ splice site, which results in a covalently closed RNA circle. This specific form of splicing is termed ‘back-splicing’. In the last years, however, it has become increasingly clear that circRNAs are (highly) expressed, can be regulated, and can have important biological functions10-12.


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Introduction and Scope of the thesis

9 Driven by advances in next-generation sequencing, we have now begun to unravel the extent and complexity of alternative splicing. This is nicely illustrated by the fact that, upon discovery of alternative splicing in the 1970s13, it was thought that only 5% of genes were alternatively spliced14. In the beginning of this millennium, this number had already risen to 60%15, and now we know that over 95% of all human genes are alternatively spliced16. The same holds true for proteins that are involved in (alternative) splicing; the number of proteins that is able to bind RNA and affect splicing has also risen steadily in the last decade. Moreover, new RNA species like circRNAs, have only recently gained interest of the scientific field. Nevertheless, RNA biology is a relatively new field in (molecular) cardiology, and numerous questions remain to be answered. In this thesis, we have tried to add new insight into the regulation of alternative splicing, molecular mechanisms that underlie alternative splicing associated heart disease, and have examined potential roles of RNA-binding proteins and splicing factors in the heart.

Figure 1. A sarcomere; the contractile unit of a cardiomyocyte. From Weeland, van den Hoogenhof, Beqqali, and Creemers, JMCC, 20153.


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Scope of this thesis

In Chapter 1, we summarize the current knowledge on the process of (alternative) splicing, with a focus on the heart, and discuss regulation, and maybe even more importantly, dysregulation of alternative splicing in the healthy and diseased heart. In Chapter 2, we investigate the molecular mechanisms of RBM20-induced cardiomyopathy, and examine specifically why patients with RBM20 mutations are at great(er) risk of arrhythmias. We compared clinical characteristics of RBM20 and TTN mutation carriers with DCM, and generated an Rbm20 knockout mouse to investigate downstream effects of Rbm20 dysfunction. We characterized the cardiac, transcriptomic, and electrophysiological phenotype of the Rbm20 knockout mouse, and provide proof-of-concept of a potential new therapeutic strategy for RBM20 mutation carriers. In Chapter 3, we investigate the finding that RBM20 also regulates a specific class of RNA molecules, namely circRNAs, arising from the TTN gene. We used RNA-sequencing data form healthy and diseased human hearts, and characterized the human circRNA landscape in the heart. Additionally, we link RBM20-dependent TTN splicing to circRNA production from the same gene. In Chapter 4, we dive deeper into Rbm20-regulated circRNA production, and more broadly try to answer the question whether alternative splicing is a general driver of circRNA production. We performed RNA-sequencing on human and mouse (wildtype and Rbm20 knockout) hearts, mapped alternative splicing events and overlaid these with expressed circRNAs at exon level resolution. In Chapter 5, we move to a different RNA-binding protein, Rbm24, which is known to act as a pivotal splicing factor in the developing heart. We used AAV9-mediated overexpression of Rbm24 to examine whether Rbm24 also plays a role in the early postnatal and adult mouse heart. In Chapter 6, we investigated yet another RNA-binding protein, Rbm38, as it closely resembles the pivotal cardiac splicing factor Rbm24. Rbm38 is, like Rbm24, expressed in the heart, and we examined whether Rbm38 is important for (normal) cardiac function. We generated an Rbm38 knockout mouse, and characterized the cardiac phenotype at baseline and after pressure overload-induced cardiac remodeling. In Chapter 7, we investigated to what extent hypoxia can alter alternative splicing in the heart. We made use of a hypoxic cell-culture model and performed RNA-sequencing on hypoxic cardiomyocytes. We discuss bioinformatic challenges and speculate about bioinformatic solutions and future directions. Finally, we end with a summary of the findings in this thesis and discuss future perspectives.


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Introduction and Scope of the thesis



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