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The accuracy of length measurement limited by unknown temperature


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The accuracy of length measurement limited by unknown


Citation for published version (APA):

Koning, J. (1970). The accuracy of length measurement limited by unknown temperature. (TH Eindhoven. Afd. Werktuigbouwkunde, Laboratorium voor mechanische technologie en werkplaatstechniek : WT rapporten; Vol. WT0239). Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.

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. .







J. Koning

Eindhoven, University of Technology, the Netherlands

Paper to be presented to the General. Assembly of the C.I.R.P.~ Po'Plno~ 19'10


A short discussion on the definition of tenperature and its

consequence for accurate length rreasurement.

Dn vorliegenden Beitrag wird der Tenperatw:begriff hinsichtlich

seiner Konsequenzen


genaue, LangenI'OOSsung kurz


I . .

I .

Une discussion de 1a conception de teIrperature et ses oonsequences



Although the subject of this note may be well knCM.rl, the author should like to enlarge on it, because of its technical iIr{x:>rtance in rretrology.

The knCMledge of tenperature is essential to precise length treasurement At present, the best accuracy realised on industrial standards may be about 10-7 • If it is acceptable that half of this value is caused

by inaccuracy of tercperature rreasurement, terrperature must be knOtm to 5 rnK or better !Sf) •

. ' - 0

As a rule length rreasurenents are stated to be 'corrected to 20 C, but often it is not made clear what is rreant by 20oC.

Ten:parature is defined in physics by thenrodynarnic relations I together

with the value 273.16 K == 0.01


for the tenperature of the tr:j..ple ];X)int of water. In' practice I hCMever I tenperature is treasured follCMing

the routine of the international practical terrperature scale (IPl'S).

Therefore it can be taken for granted that 200C nonnally stands for

20°C IPl'S. .

It is well k.n.cMn that the IPl'S in the region of 20°C is defined by interpolation between certain fixp:>ints by rreans of a platinum resistance therm.::m:rte:t;:', using a quadratio equation.

Recent rreasurerrents (1) have shown this scale to differ 8 rnK fran true ('¢enrodynamic) tenperature at 20°C.' The latest version of the IPl'S (IPl'S







there exists a difference of 10-7 in length measurements performed before


after october 1968.

IPl'S cannot be nore than an approximation to true (therm:x:1ynam:i.c)

tenperature. The accuracy of the fixp:>ints, as stated (ref. 2, table 7), limits the accuracy of this approximation at 20°C to 2 mK.

It seems advisable to state explicitely that 20°C is neant _ to be true tenperature. IPl'S 1's used, of course, as a practical apprOxmation.

In that case the symbol, t68 is to be used.


note: Kelvin for a ten:p'=>...raturedifference of 1 degree Celsius == 1 (Iegree Kelvin; thus 5 mK == 0.005 degree).


'lhe properties of platinum resistance thenn:.::m=ters being well knCMIl, it seems advisable to use such thenrareters for the rrore


exacting work. TheJ::1lO1lE!ters are available with dimensions dc::1tm

to 2 nm of diarreter and 50 nm of length and maybe smaller. If such a thenrorreter, having Ro == 100 0, is supplied with a current of 2,5 mA., a potential difference of 1 mV per K results, which can be neasured and· registrated oonvenently.



PrestonjThanas, H •. and C.G.M. Kirby


! -

30 - (1967). Metrologia 5 - 36 - (1969).



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