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Mind the gap! Policies and practices of educational reception in Rotterdam and Barcelona - Bibliographic references


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Mind the gap! Policies and practices of educational reception in Rotterdam and


del Milagro Bruquetas Callejo, M.

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del Milagro Bruquetas Callejo, M. (2012). Mind the gap! Policies and practices of educational

reception in Rotterdam and Barcelona.

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In conclusion, the PAHC questionnaire, together with the DT, can be used as a first line screener for detecting psychosocial problems of individuals undergoing cancer

We also investigated whether sociodemographic and clinical variables are associated significantly with psychological distress and psychosocial problems experienced during

The aim of this randomized, controlled trial is to evaluate the efficacy of the PAHC questionnaire when used routinely in daily clinical cancer genetics practice in: (1)

Second, we hypothesized that the routine use of the PAHC questionnaire would result in genetic counselors taking more initiative in raising and addressing psychosocial

Counselees were asked to complete the PAHC questionnaire at three time points: (1) prior to the initial counseling session (i.e., first phase of the trial); (2) shortly prior to

Second, after developing and testing this questionnaire, we performed a randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of the routine use of the questionnaire in clinical

Hierbij verwachtten we dat het aanbieden van resultaten van de vragenlijst aan de genetisch counselor zou leiden tot een hoger aantal besproken psychosociale problemen, meer

Dank voor het beoordelen van mijn manuscript, en dat jullie zitting hebben willen nemen in mijn promotiecommissie.. Collega’s op