• No results found

5.4 Binary Classification

5.4.2 Results

Table 21 demonstrates the results of the binary classification of successful or unsuccessful discussions using SVM classifier and the fine-tuned Longformer PLM. The table illustrates that when discussions end with the finalization label, both SVM and Longformer models perform similarly in the Setting 1, with F1-Scores of 0.66 and 0.65 respectively. Additionally, for this setting where the input data is short texts, we fine-tuned a BERT model which also showed comparable performance with scores of 0.66 across all evaluation metrics. In contrast, when the discussion text is used as input (Setting 2), the Longformer classifier performs better with an F1-Score of 0.71, while the SVM classifier performs worse with an F1-Score of 0.52. The models show roughly similar behaviour when we combined texts and classes as input. Surprisingly, when we remove the ending utterances with finalization label, the performance of the Longformer classifier increased in setting 1 and setting 2 by 0.05 in F1-Score. However, in the Setting 3 the performance dropped to 0.64, showing the combination of texts and classes is not helpful in this way. The Longformer model demonstrates superior performance in setting 2 when finalization is not considered, further research is needed to understand the reasons.

One possibility is that the discussion texts contain more indicators of the success of a discussion, for instance, the word ”RfC” appears more frequently in successful discussions than in unsuccessful ones.

Table 21: Binary classification experiment results using SVM model as the baseline and fine-tuned Longformer PLM. Setting 1: Only classes as input data, Setting 2: Only discussion texts as input data, Setting 3: A concatenation of discussion texts and transformed classes as input data.

Baseline Longformer

Dimension/Classes Precision Recall F1-Score Precision Recall F1-Score Including finalization

Setting 1 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.65

Setting 2 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.74 0.72 0.71

Setting 3 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.72 0.72 0.72

Excluding finalization

Setting 1 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.72 0.70 0.70

Setting 2 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.76 0.76 0.76

Setting 3 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.66 0.65 0.64

6 Conclusion

In this study, we have aimed to identify effective deliberative strategies that can be used in online discussions in order to stop them from running off the rails. We consider a deliberative argumentation strategy to be a sequence of moves that participants take to push the discussion forward [3]. In this chapter, we discuss the thesis research questions in light of the findings in Chapter 5.

To recall, the research questions are as follows:

Q1. How to identify the deliberative strategy in discussions using argumentative attributes?

Q2. How to analyze the identified strategies, distinguishing successful from unsuccessful ones?

Q3. How to predict the success of a discussion based on the used strategies?

Our source of deliberative discussions is Wikipedia talk pages, where editors discuss changes they have made or proposed, suggest new content, edit disagreements, or challenge cited sources to reach a consensus on the accuracy of an article. The themes of the discussions and disputes on Wikipedia talk pages are generally in line with the deliberation process where providing reasons, references, and attaining consensus are important actions.

We have addressed the first research question by investigating three argumentative attributes: dis-course act, argumentative relation, and frame. We have developed three classifiers to predict each argumentative attribute of discussion utterances. The classifier is trained on a corpus that comprises Wikipedia discussion utterances that are labeled for the three attributes [3]. Adopting supervised learning, alongside fine-tuning BERT and RoBERTa PLMs, we have employed the prompting ap-proach [76] to address the lack of labeled data in some subsets of the corpus. Our experiments, however, show that the prompt-based learning paradigm does not provide any advantages in this task.

Still, our best-performing models demonstrated substantial enhancement in performance compared to the baselines and the models developed in [3].

For the second research question, we used the RfC-Predecessor pairs corpus [23] consisting of 421 pairs of topical controlled discussions (both successful and unsuccessful) from Wikipedia talk pages.

Applying the best-performing classifiers to the discussions in this corpus, we extracted the most com-mon successful and unsuccessful strategies using an efficient sequential pattern mining algorithm called PrefixSpan [80]. We carried out a deep analysis of successful and unsuccessful deliberative strategies, which demonstrates the important role of the three argumentative attributes in identifying effective deliberative strategies. Our analysis of the discourse act dimension indicates that the most frequent actions in successful patterns are ”finalization” and ”recommendation”, while in unsuccess-ful patterns, ”questioning” actions predominate. In regards to the argumentative relation dimension, our analysis illustrates that having more than one ”attacking” utterance can negatively impact the success of the discussion. Besides, in terms of the frame dimension, making ”dialogue” actions and providing ”neutral” points of view are more common in successful conversations. In contrast, in unsuccessful discussions, participants tend to mostly focus on the ”verifiability” of the content. In addition, we have analyzed 3-dimensional strategies in successful and unsuccessful discussions. We found that (”finalization”, ”support”, ”dialogue”) is the most prevalent 3-dimensional strategy in suc-cessful deliberations. In such discussions, ”attack” label is always surrounded by productive discourse act labels such as ”recommendation” or ”understanding”, and effective frame labels like ”dialogue”

or ”neutral”. More precisely, if an ”attack” action occurs in a particular discussion, it is critical to be followed by a support (argumentative relation) and dialogue (frame) labeled utterance to avoid discussion derailment.

Our findings can be useful in the development of a tool for forecasting conversation derailment [19], where the goal is to anticipate the possibility of conflicts in online discussions before it occurs. Con-sidering the frequent successful and unsuccessful strategies that we found, the tool can dynamically analyze the current conversation moves and provide early warning for prospective conversation de-railment that will occur later. It can also assist users to follow a productive discussion strategy step by step to achieve consensus and avoid failure.

For the third research question, we have attempted to predict the success of discussions based on the identified strategies, the discussion text, and a combination of text and strategies. To accomplish this, we fine-tuned the Longformer PLM [81], which has a linearly scalable attention mechanism that can handle long texts. Our results indicate that strategies identified using the three argumentative attributes (discourse act, argumentative relation, and frame) can be used to predict the success or failure of a discussion. However, the text alone achieved the best results.

Future Works

In light of the findings of our study, we would like to make some recommendations for further re-search. In this study, we only examined the role of three argumentative attributes, namely discourse act, argumentative relation, and frame. Online user comments frequently include arguments that lack proper reasoning. To evaluate the sufficiency of the supporting evidence and, thus, the strength of the entire argument, it can be helpful to recognize such assertions as parts of an argument and to choose the proper sorts of support. Park and Cardie (2104) proposed the task of classifying the verifiability of a proposition, where the proper form of support is reason, evidence, and optional evidence. One related research direction that can be pursued in the future is to consider the verifiabitliy attribute in identifying and analyzing deliberative strategies.

As stated in Section 2.2.2, the WikiConv corpus [9] includes 90,930,244 conversations, whereas the RfC-Predecessor corpus only comprises 842 conversations. Developing a model or pipeline that can expand the corpus while still maintaining its controlled topical property could significantly improve the results of this study. This can be achieved by creating a method to automatically identify and ex-tract relevant conversations from WikiConv corpus [9] or any other larger pool of data, and then apply the same annotation and classification process used in the RfC-Predecessor corpus. This would allow for a larger sample size and a more diverse set of data, which in turn would provide more robust and generalizable results. Furthermore, this will also allow researchers to analyze and compare the per-formance of the models over a broader range of data and to identify the variations and commonalities in the conversations.

In this study, we focused on forecasting the outcome of a discussion by identifying its strategies.

However, another potential future direction for this research could be to develop a tool that can predict the likelihood of a discussion derailing, based on the identified strategies at a specific point in the conversation. This could involve creating a model that is able to predict the success or failure of a discussion, given a portion of the conversation’s strategy up to a certain point in the discussion.


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