• No results found

6. Conclusion

6.3 Recommendations for future research

The study's major limitations were highlighted in the previous section. This section expands on these by offering specific suggestions for further research. To begin with, the conceptual model used in this study might be evaluated on a different sample to confirm the study's predictions and findings. Furthermore, by narrowing the scope of direct and indirect relations with AI, such as by performing a case study, the conceptual model might be evaluated in a completely new situation.

Furthermore, the conceptual model should be broadened to incorporate additional potential determinants in order to explore how AI capabilities affect employee performance. Because no relationship was discovered in this study between the moderating effect of the relation of AI on the relationship between AI capabilities and employee engagement and AI capabilities and employee performance, more research on this variable is needed to clarify its assumed influence.

Finally, because culture is a key feature of emerging technologies, but it encompasses more than just employee engagement, more study into other aspects of the idea of culture is recommended.

To the author's knowledge, the exact link between AI capabilities and a favorable impact on overall company culture has yet to be statistically studied.



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Appendix I – Questionnaires and sources