• No results found

Photo impression of the test rig


132 B. Photo impression of the test rig

Fig. B.3: Close-up of rotating seal and stationary seal.

Fig. B.4: Alignment construction, front view.


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A asperity

coefficient of friction, 25 contact, 25

contact area, 25 density, 26

elastic deformation, 26 load, 25

pressure, 25

reference plane, 26 shape, 26

asperity-asperity collisions, 19 assumptions

contact model, 26 full film model, 36

B balance area, 19 balance ratio, 9, 20

balanced, 9 unbalanced, 9 bellows, 86

boundary layer, 24

boundary lubrication, see lubrica-tion

C calculating

Stribeck curve, see Stribeck curve carbon, 98

carbon seal shrink, 96 swell, 96

cavitation, 19, 38, 55, 60

dimensionless parameter, 45


seal face, 101, 102

coefficient of friction, 3, 25, 65, 101 asperity, 25

boundary lubrication regime, 25, 66, 105

measuring, 101 micro-geometry, 103 compliance, 27

coning, 11, 23, 29, 31, 101, 102 analytical solution, 42 convergent, 11

divergent, 11, 43 effect, 43

production methods, 103 transition, 105

contact heat, 101 material, 20 contact area

asperity, 25 hydrodynamic, 65

hydrodynamic lubrication, 25 nominal, 29

dimensionless, 31 fit, 31

contact model, 6, 23, 26 curvature, 9, 30

radius, 30 D

data acquisition, 88 deformation

elastic, 30 asperity, 26

140 Index


asperity height, 28 Gaussian, 28, 69 M -inverted χ2n, 68 measured, 28

standard deviation, 27 duty parameter, 4, 5

E elastic deformation

asperity, 26 elasticity

reduced modulus, see reduced modulus of elasticity

equilibrium force, 19

experimental procedure, 101 experiments

friction coning, 105 lubricant, 102 materials, 102 micro-geometry, 103 waviness amplitude, 103 iso-thermal, 101

roughness, 103 F

film thickness, 24, 60, 67

film thickness equation, 6, 23, 36, 52

0 < Pf ≤ 1, 54 1 < Pf ≤ 1.75, 55 Pf = 0, 54

α = 0, 53 γ = 0, 52

assumptions, 36 convergent coning, 14 diverging coning, 14 fit, 36

force equilibrium, 19 form tester, 96

friction, 3, 5, 88 BL, 3

boundary lubrication regime, 24 cavitation, 60

coning, 60 effect of

coning, 105

macro-geometry, 103 micro-geometry, 103 waviness amplitude, 103 experimental procedure, 93 force, 37

full film lubrication, 24, 60 design diagram, 60 geometrical component, 23 HL, 3

measurements, 85, 92

mixed lubrication regime, 25 ML, 3

rolling component, 23 seal geometry, 60 sliding component, 23 squeezing component, 23 static, 86

Stribeck curve, see Stribeck curve waviness, 60

full film lubrication, 7 leakage, 60

full film model, 23, 36

dimensionless equations, 42 dimensionless variables, 40


Greenwood & Williamson, 26–28 H

Half-Sommerfeld condition, 38 height distribution, see distribution height distribution function, 28 Hertz, 30

contact area, 27 contact load, 27

Index 141

contact parameters, 30 contact radius, 27 hybrid transducer, 86

hydrodynamic lubrication, see lubri-cation

hydrodynamic pressure, see pressure hydrostatic lubrication, see


hydrostatic pressure, see pressure I

inside pressurized seal, 8, 43, 87, 108 film thickness

convergent coning, 37 divergent coning, 37

interference microscope, 29, 96, 101, 106

iso-thermal, 5, 101 K K-factor, 9, 16, 19 kurtosis, 69

L λ-variable, 66

leakage, 3, 5, 37, 60, 106 coning, 60

design diagram, 60 waviness, 60

liquid fraction, 36, 39 load

asperities, 28, 64 hydrodynamic, 64 spring, 19

load carrying capacity, 93 experimental procedure, 93 measurements, 85

results, 95 lubricant behaviour

Newtonian, 24 lubrication

boundary, 2, 71, 88

hydrodynamic, 2, 17, 39, 104 contact area, 25

hydrostatic, 9 microasperity, 18 mixed, 2, 64, 71 modes, 2, 23 regimes, 2, 23


macro-geometry, 101 material

deformation, 102 dimensions, 102 silicon carbide

properties, 102 specification, 102 mean plane

summit heights, 26, 65 surface heights, 26, 65 measuring procedure, 101 micro-geometry, 101

coefficient of friction, 103 microasperity lubrication, 18 misalignment, 17, 86

mixed lubrication, see lubrication mixed lubrication regime, see

lubri-cation model, 5

contact, 6, 23, 26 assumptions, 26 full film, 23, 36

assumptions, 36 Stribeck, 64 mounting

inside, 8 outside, 8


nominal contact area, 29, 64 dimensionless, 31

fit, 31, 32

142 Index


Optimum Similarity Analysis, 40 outside pressurized seal, 8

boundary conditions, 37 film thickness

convergent coning, 37 divergent coning, 37


pin-on-disc device, 95, 98 pneumatic cylinder, 86 predicting

Stribeck curve, see Stribeck curve pressure

asperity, 25, 64 distortions, 17 fluctuations, 86 fluid, 19, 37

effect, 44

hydrodynamic, 17, 20, 64 macro-geometry, 103 micro-geometry, 103 hydrostatic, 8, 19, 55

cartesian coordinates, 10 curvature, 9

measuring, 108 polar coordinates, 9 mixed lubrication, 64 vapour, 38, 55

pressure distribution coning, 14

minimum film thickness, 14 pressure gradient factor, see K-factor pressure vessel, 86

pv, see load carrying capacity R

radial taper, see coning

reduced modulus of elasticity, 27, 29, 70

reference plane

summit heights, 26

surface heights, 26 Reynolds’ equation, 7

cartesian coordinates, 12 cavitation, 39

polar coordinates, 12, 36 squeeze film term, 8, 18 squeeze term, 37

stretch term, 37 wedge term, 7 roughness, 4, 101, 105


seal dimensions, 102 seal face

cleaning, 101 flat, 103 grinding, 102 lapping, 102, 103 seal geometry

effect, 44 seal width, 31

separation, see film thickness shear, 24

boundary layer, 24 lubricant, 24 rate, 24 stress, 24, 25 silicon carbide, 98, 102

properties, 102 wear, 106 skewness, 69 spring

load, 19 squeeze film, 19

standard deviation, 27, 107 summits, 67, 104 Stribeck curve, 2, 92

calculating, 64 effect of

σs, 106

axial load, 69, 107