• No results found

Logic diagram for ADC subsystem

In document Thesis Report (pagina 89-0)

Appendix V The logic diagrams for GUI design

1. Logic diagram for ADC subsystem

Figure 5-1Logic diagram of ADC subsystem

39 2.

Logic diagram of DAC subsystem

Figure 5-2 Logic diagram of DAC subsystems

40 3.

Logic diagram of PowerIO subsystem

Figure 5-3 Logic diagram of PowerIO subsystem

41 4.

Logic diagram of JTAG subsystem

Figure 5-4 Logic diagram of JTAG subsystem

42 5.

Logic diagram of AFG subsystem


Logic diagram of Oscilloscope subsystem

Figure 5-5 Logic diagram of AFG subsystem

Figure 5-6 Logic diagram of Oscilloscope subsystem

43 7.

Logic diagram of main GUI design

Figure 5-7 The logic diagram of the main GUI design


Appendix VI User Manual (GUI design)

1. ADC and DAC subsystems

The hardware must be used with the software which is combined with both GUI and codes parts. The GUI of the ADC and DAC subsystems are shown in the Figure 6-1 and 6-2.

The two GUI are quite similar and the only one difference is the input value. When user has determined the input value and pressed the all channel ‘calibration’ button, the software will calibrate all the channel automatically and record the failed channels’ value. During this period, the success channels will have green symbols while the failed will have the red. After calibrating all the channel and pressing ‘read failed value’ button, all the failed channel’s result will be

Figure 6-1 GUI for DAC subsystem

Figure 6-2 GUI for ADC subsystem

45 shown in a new window. Furthermore, when setting to calibrate any one channel and pressing the ‘calibration’ button, the target channel’s test result will be shown in a new window

automatically and the ‘read failed value’ bottom cannot be pressed. Last, when pressing the

‘Clear All’ button, all the results will be reset, and the green & red symbol will disappear.

2. PowerIO subsystem

The GUI design as shown in the Figure 6-3 is introduced below.

First, when the all channel ‘calibration’ button is pressed, the software will calibrate all the channel automatically and record the failed channels’ value and the corresponding red or green images will show. Also, all the failed channel’s result will be shown in a new window when pressing ‘read failed value’ button. Similarly, after user determine which channel to be

calibrated and press the ‘calibration’ button, the red or green symbol will appear, and the test result will be shown in a new window. Additionally, when clicking the ‘Clear all’ button, all the images about the test result will disappear.

Figure 6-3 GUI for PowerIO subsystem


3. JTAG subsystem

The GUI design as shown in the Figure 6-4 is expounded below.

At the beginning, the user can determine the input voltage among the range of VCCB supply voltage from 1.5 to 5.5 V and choose the ‘calibration’ button in the ‘Channel selection’ group box. If the user pressed the calibration button for single channel, then the program will calibrate the chosen channel and if it was failed, the red symbol will show with a measured value in a new window, whereas, if the measured result was same as the input, the green symbol will show. Last, when the ‘Clear all’ button be pressed, all the green and red symbols will disapeared.

Figure 6-4 GUI design of JTAG subsystem


4. Oscilloscope and AFG subsystems

The GUI designs for the oscilloscope and AFG subsystems are shown in the Figure 6-5 and 6-6.

Figure 6-6 GUI for AFG subsystem Figure 6-5 GUI for oscilloscope subsystem

48 The oscillator should be calibrated first before calibrating the Pico5444D and Pico2406B. It is required the user to use the calibrated oscilloscope to measure the output frequency of the oscillator via J13 and click the ‘Oscillator is calibrated’ check box after writing the value into the edit box. If the input value was not 0, the software will show a message as shown in the Figure 6-7, and if the input value of the edit box was 0, then the software will show another window as shown in the Figure 6-8. Besides, if the oscillator is not calibrated first, the three ‘Calibration’

buttons are not available to be pressed as the orange box shown in Figure 6-5.

After that, user can choose only one desired signal type on the green box in Figure 6-5. If user click both two checkboxes, the window shown in Figure 6-9.

When user choosing one type of the signal the value choosing box will appear as the figure demonstrating below and the user can select or write the input desired value.

After that, the user is required to click the ‘Open Picoscope’ button to execute the Picoscope software and all the ‘calibration’ buttons are available for pressing. The user can choose to calibrate all the channels from the Pico5444D or the Pico2406B or any one channel from them.

The value input to the oscilloscope will be shown in the blue box of Figure 6-5 which is designed for users to compare it with the value in the Picoscope more conveniently. Last, when clicking the ‘Reset’ button, the whole program will be reset.

Figure 6-8 Window2 (Oscilloscope subsystem) Figure 6-7 Window1 (Oscilloscope subsystem)

Figure 6-9 Window3 (Oscilloscope subsystem)

Figure 6-10 The input signal selection box of oscilloscope subsystem

49 As what shown in the Figure 6-5, the GUI designed for the AFG subsystem is only for selecting the target channel and open the Picoscope software. The user can calibrate the AFG following by the steps in the ‘Calibration process’.


Appendix VII Test Results

1. EVA2’s function check results

- ADC modules 1) 1.25V

2) 4V

Figure 7-1 ADC modules 1.25 V test results

Figure 7-2 ADC modules 4 V test results

51 - DAC modules

1) 1V

2) 4V

- PowerIO modules

Figure 7-5 PowerIO modules test results Figure 7-3 DAC modules 1 V test results

Figure 7-4 DAC modules 4 V test results

52 - Power supply

2. System verification test results

Table 7-1 System verification test results

Test GUI Results

ADC calibration GUI Can be opened

DAC calibration GUI Can be opened

JTAG calibration GUI Can be opened

PowerIO calibration GUI Can be opened

Oscilloscope calibration GUI Can be opened

AFG calibration GUI Can be opened

3. Subsystems – ADC calibration test results

- All channels calibration (input 0.5V)

Figure 7-6 Power supply test results

Figure 7-7 ADC calibration all channels test results

53 - One channel calibration (input 2V)

4. Subsystems – DAC calibration test results

- All channels calibration (Input 2.5V)

- One channel calibration (Input 1V)

Figure 7-8 ADC calibration one channel test result

Figure 7-9 DAC calibration all channels test results

Figure 7-10 DAC calibration one channel test result


5. Subsystems – PowerIO calibration test results

- All channels calibration

- One channel calibration

Figure 7-11 PowerIO calibration all channels test results

Figure 7-12 PowerIO calibration one channel test result


6. Subsystems – JTAG calibration test results

- TDI channel

- TCK channel

- TMS channel

Figure 7-13 JTAG calibration TDI channel test result

Figure 7-14 JTAG calibration TCK channel test result

Figure 7-15 JTAG calibration TMS channel test result

56 - TDO channel

7. Subsystems – Oscilloscope calibration test results

- Input signal test

Table 7-2 Input signal test results of Oscilloscope calibration test results

Signal type Test results

0.625 MHz square signal Same as the input

20MV DC signal Same as the input

-20MV DC signal Same as the input

20V DC signal Same as the input

- Oscilloscope1&2 channels test

Table 7-3 Channels' test results of Oscilloscope calibration test results

Channels Test results

Channel 1 The input signal can be shown in the Picoscope Channel 2 The input signal can be shown in the Picoscope Channel 3 The input signal can be shown in the Picoscope Channel 4 The input signal can be shown in the Picoscope Channel 5 The input signal can be shown in the Picoscope Channel 6 The input signal can be shown in the Picoscope Channel 7 The input signal can be shown in the Picoscope Channel 8 The input signal can be shown in the Picoscope

Figure 7-16 JTAG calibration TDO channel test result


8. Subsystems – AFG calibration test results

- Open Picoscope Software

- AFG channels test results 1) Input signal from AFG

The input signal is shown in the Figure below.

2) Results in Picoscope software

The results in the Picoscope is same as the input signal and both two channels are working.

Figure 7-17 Test result of opening Picoscope Software

Figure 7-18 Input signal from AFG

Figure 7-19 AFG test results in Picoscope software

In document Thesis Report (pagina 89-0)