• No results found


In document Master Thesis (pagina 48-54)

6. Conclusion

6.3 Limitations

Among all of the hypothesis only two of them have been accepted, which is a significant amount of rejection compared to related research. For example, research using TAM model and UTAUT model to test the acceptance of e-learning devices and technology in schools, only 2 of the 14 hypothesis were not proven (Source 5 & Source 12). However in a similar study, the adopt of IoT in smart watches by van Osch (2018), majority of the hypothesis were also not proven. This could come to the influence of IoT technologies being a new phenomenon and therefore a degree of unknowns is very relevant to individuals and their experiences.

Vehicles are driven by majority of the population all over the Netherlands. Thus, majority of the respondents being under the age of 35 and located in Noord Holland might not be representative of the entire population and their beliefs. The participation group of 137 did meet the requirements to run a quantitative analysis but relatively small regarding the overall large user group around the Netherlands or world. During the survey, questions needed to be as comprehensive as possible for valid measurement. Each variable, as should, was measured with at least multiple sub questions. Each variable has multiple sub questions, but we had to exclude some questions due to the low factor loadings to guarantee that the path analysis was effective.

The term IoT is a broad set of technologies, along with the perception of sustainability or environmental friendliness. This broad range can lead to scale differentialities between users and have a small effect on the answers in questionnaires.

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Appendix I Dear participant,

I am currently conducting a study as part of my Master's degree at the University of Amsterdam. This survey concerns and will ask questions regarding the use of technology in products, vehicles and sustainability.

As part of this study, you will be asked to complete an electronic survey approved by the University of Amsterdam. Completing the survey will only take approximately 5 minutes and your answers will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous. Please read the texts carefully and keep in mind that there are no wrong answers.

Your participation is much appreciated!

General Questions A. Sex

a. Male b. Female B. Age

a. 18 - 25 years old b. 26 - 35 years old c. 36 - 45 years old d. 46 - 60 years old e. 60+ years old C. Nationality

a. Dutch b. Other

D. Level of Education Achieved a. High School

b. Bachelors Degree c. Masters Degree d. Doctoral Degree (PHD) E. Annual Income

a. 0 - €60.000

b. €60.001-€100.000 c. €100.001-€200.000 d. €200.001+

F. Province of Residence

b. Zuid Holland c. Utrecht d. Flevoland e. Gelderland f. Zeeland g. Brabant h. Limburg i. Drenthe j. Overijssel k. Groningen l. Friesland m. N/A

G. Most applicable category in which your home is located.

a. Urban b. Suburban c. Rural

H. Do you own a Vehicle a. Yes

b. No

I. (if H. is No) what is main reasoning on why you don’t own a vechicle a. Financial

b. Travel by vehicle not necessary c. I want to be more sustainable

J. How often do you personally use a car or van to travel, either as a driver or passenger?

a. Once or twice a month b. 1 – 2 days a week c. 3 – 5 days a week d. 6 – 7 days a week

K. What I believe my future intentions are regarding owning a vehicle;

a. In the future I intend to own a private vehicle b. I believe in a vehicle sharing solution

c. Private use of vehicles will not be necessary i.e. Transport will eb the ultimate solution

d. No vehicles with exist

Q1. I think of myself as an environmentally-friendly consumer.

Q2. I think of myself as someone who is very concerned with environmental issues.

Q3. One of the objectives that I try to accomplish or attain in my life is to sustain or improve the natural environment and the condition of the planet Earth for future generations.

Q4. I feel a lot of joy or happiness when I am successful in sustaining or improving the natural environment.

Q5. It is extremely important for me to sustain or improve the natural environment.

Q6. I would be embarrassed to be seen as having an environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

Q7. I would not want my family or friends to think of me as someone who is concerned about environmental issues

Q8 I feel a lot of sorrow or unhappiness when I fail to sustain or improve the natural environment.

Q9. I feel the pressure from my surroundings to buy environmentally friendly products when option is available.

Q10. My surrounding want me to use alternative or eco-friendly travelling methods even if the option is less convenient.

Q11. I have knowledge about benefits Internet of Things (IoT) technologies provides.

Q12. I have experience with devices that use IoT technologies.

Q13. I understand what information is being shared/collected when using a device with IoT technologies

Q14. I would rather use a device/vehicle that has IoT technologies

Q15. With price not being a factor and all things equal; When deciding between products, I would rather buy a product with more IoT technologies/capabilities.

Q16. Future intentions with regards to buying a vehicle with IoT/more technological capabilities?

A. I INTEND TO BE A FIRST ADAPTER B. I have no intention of adapting

C. I will never want to use these capabilities D. I am undecided

Q17. I trust the companies/car manufacturers with my personal information.

Q18. It is ok for car manufacturers to collect personal data and provide it to other organizations.

Q19. I’m willing to share personal driving data in order to receive services that help me become more sustainable.

Q20. I’m willing to use/try unknown technology in order to become more sustainable.

Q21. Security in vehicles is a top priority when driving/buying a vehicle.

Q22. All things equal, I prefer purchasing/choosing a product that is more secure.

Q23. I would purchase/choose a products that are more secure with less capabilities.

Q24. I would purchase/choose a product with less capabilities that I trust is more secure compared to a product with more capabilities that I trust less.

Q25. I am confident about the security of potential IoT capabilities in my vehicle.

Q26. I am concerned about the misuse of my transportation data by third parties.

Q27. I am willing to make significant changes to my use of vehicle or transportation habits.

Q28. I am willing to adapt certain aspects of my vehicle/transportation habits.

Q29. I expect my surroundings to adapt and therefore I don't need to put any effort or thought into becoming more sustainable.

Q30. In the future I believe that I will not have a choice in vehicle/transportation options.

In document Master Thesis (pagina 48-54)