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Going Viral

In document GOING VIRAL (pagina 33-43)

Start of Block:


Dear participant,

Welcome and thank you for your interest in participating in this research project!

In this study you are invited to share your perception of TikTok clips. Is it the storyline, the aesthetic, the emotion or the music that makes it interesting for you? Is it a bit of


You will first be asked a few basic questions about your person. Subsequently, you will be shown two clips and asked a few assessing questions about both.

The purpose of this study is to gain insights about music in TikTok clips in relationship to their video content and emotional qualities of either.

Information about this study

This study is conducted as part of a Master student’s thesis project, under the supervision of the Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. As this research is being carried out under the responsibility of The Amsterdam School of

Communication Research (ASCoR), which is part of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), I can guarantee that:

A) Your anonymity is guaranteed and your personal information remains confidential and will not be shared with any third parties. No name or other contact information is required.

Your research data will be analyzed to answer the research question as described above in the goal of this study. Note that that further processing of your data is possible, provided that this is compatible with this purpose. Research data published in scientific journals will

be anonymous and cannot be traced back to you as an individual. Completely anonymized data can be shared with other researchers.

B) You can refuse to participate in the research or cut short your participation without having to give a reason for doing so. As the data collected is anonymous, I would like to emphasize your data cannot be deleted after participation and will be used up until the point you decide to stop participation.

C) This research will not expose you to any physical or mental risk or discomfort, the researcher will not intentionally mislead you, and you will not be exposed to any material that is explicitly objectionable.

More information

For more information about the research you are welcome to contact the researcher:

Ferdinand Boltersdorf


Should you have any complaints or comments about the course of the research and the procedures it involves as a consequence of your participation in this research, you can contact the designated member of the Ethics Review Board representing ASCoR via ascor-secr-fmg@uva.nl.

Any complaints or comments will be treated in the strictest confidence.

I hope to have provided you with sufficient information. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your assistance with this research, which I greatly appreciate.

Kind regards,

Ferdinand Boltersdorf

Master student (entertainment communication) Communication science

University of Amsterdam


I consent and wish to begin the survey (1)


I do not consent and wish to withdraw (2)

Skip To: End of Survey If Dear participant, Welcome and thank you for your interest in participating in this research pro... = I do not consent and wish to withdraw

End of Block:

Start of Block: Personal info What is your age? (in years)


What is your gender?


Male (1)


Female (2)


Non-binary / third gender (3)


Prefer not to say (4)


Other (5) ________________________________________________

Q15 Do you use TikTok?


Yes, but I only watch clips (1)


Yes and I create clips (2)


No (3)

Skip To: If Do you use TikTok? = No

Q33 In a normal week, how many days do you use TikTok

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Days ()

Q17 On a normal day that you use TikTok, how much time do spend on TikTok?

Answer in hours and/or minutes


Which type(s) of music to you prefer? Multiple answers possible

Classic (1)

Country (2)

Electronica (3)

HipHop (4)

House (5)

Indie (6)

Metal (7)

Pop (8)

RnB (9)

Rock (10)

Techno (11)

None of the above (12)

I generally don't care about music (13)

Other (14) ________________________________________________

End of Block: Personal info Start of Block: Character traits

Q9 These questions are about your thoughts and behavior. Please answer truthfully and carefully.


inaccurate (1) Somewhat inaccurate (2)

Neither accurate nor inaccurate (3)


accurate (4) Very accurate (5) I often have

difficulty keeping my

attention when I am doing boring or repetitive work (1)

o o o o o

I often have difficulty getting things in order when I have to do a

task that requires organisation


o o o o o

I often have trouble wrapping up

the fine details of a project, once

the challenging

parts have been done (3)

o o o o o

I often misplace or have difficulty

finding things at home or at

work (4)

o o o o o

I am often distracted by

activity or noise around

me (5)

o o o o o

Q10 These questions are about your empathy. Please answer truthfully and carefully.


disagree (1) Somewhat disagree (2)

Neither agree nor disagree



agree (4) Strongly agree (5) I am empathic

person (1)

o o o o o

I sympathise with others'

feelings (2)

o o o o o

I have a sharp

tongue (3)

o o o o o

I can often understand how people are feeling even before they tell me


o o o o o

I get caught up in other people's

feelings (5)

o o o o o

Q11 These questions are about your overall emotional state. Please answer truthfully and carefully.


disagree (1) Somewhat disagree (2)

Neither agree nor disagree



agree (4) Strongly agree (5) It is easy to

make me

laugh (1)

o o o o o

I rarely act without due

reason (2)

o o o o o

I am often in a bad mood


o o o o o

I am a cheerful

person (4)

o o o o o

I worry a lot


o o o o o

End of Block: Character traits Start of Block: Clips 1

Surprise1 You will now be shown the first short clip. Watch carefully

Eudaimonic1 You will now be shown the first short clip. Watch carefully

Attention1 You will now be shown the first short clip. Watch carefully End of Block: Clips 1

Start of Block: Assessment clips 1

Q7 These items are about your attitude towards the clip. Please indicate to which degree you agree with the following statements


disagree (1) Somewhat disagree (2)

Neither agree nor disagree



agree (4) Strongly agree (5) The clip had a


element (1)

o o o o o

The clip went against expectations


o o o o o

I connected emotionally to

the clip (3)

o o o o o

The clip made me feel warm


o o o o o

The clip "felt"

quick (5)

o o o o o

Effects in the video made it

interesting (6)

o o o o o

Q19 These items are about your recognition of the clip. Please indicate to which degree you agree with the following statements


disagree (1) Somewhat disagree (2)

Neither agree nor disagree



agree (4) Strongly agree (5) I liked this clip


o o o o o

I enjoyed this

clip (2)

o o o o o

I appreciated

this clip (3)

o o o o o

I would share this clip with

my friends (4)

o o o o o

I would give this clip a like


o o o o o

I would like to watch it again


o o o o o

End of Block: Assessment clips 1 Start of Block: Clips 2

Surprise2 You will now be shown the second short clip. Watch carefully

Eudaimonia2 You will now be shown the second short clip. Watch carefully

Attention2 You will now be shown the second short clip. Watch carefully End of Block: Clips 2

Start of Block: Assessment clips 2

Q40 These items are about your attitude towards the clip. Please indicate to which degree you agree with the following statements


disagree (1) Somewhat disagree (2)

Neither agree nor disagree



agree (4) Strongly agree (5) The clip had a


element (1)

o o o o o

The clip went against expectations


o o o o o

I connected emotionally to

the clip (3)

o o o o o

The clip made me feel warm


o o o o o

The clip "felt"

quick (5)

o o o o o

Effects in the video made it

interesting (6)

o o o o o

In document GOING VIRAL (pagina 33-43)