• No results found

CHAPTER 3: Analysis


The Bijlmer is currently undergoing mayor changes and pilot projects in order to become a natural gas-free neighbourhood by 2040. However, as this is a goal that involves citizens in particular, supporting cooperation within the Transition Vision, should be a priority. Similar case studies have been conducted and criticized in other marginalized neighbourhoods in the Netherlands, such as in Arnhem and Amsterdam, regarding social exclusion when leading citizen participation (Bongers et al., 2000). As the continuation of the energy transition and their related visions will go on for the next decades, it would be interesting to keep conducting qualitative research within marginalized communities, and to learn from the outcomes in order to keep adapting the energy transition towards a more inclusive one. Taking the results from this research into account, future research can be done using the same methodology and framework of this research to other similar cases where Transition Vision is in a later stage of the process to get a more holistic view of affordability and cooperation within marginalized communities. An example might be to compare other ethnic minorities in The Netherlands to see if their challenges are similar. Analysis of similarities, differences, and patterns in multiple cases can identify common results. Using multiple case studies would increase the validity and reliability of the findings from this study.

This research is heavily based on the energy justice framework of Sovacool, which, according to Bombaerts et al. (2020), is mostly concerned with justice for individuals and not necessarily communities. "Taking a holistic perspective on energy justice, which is based on the idea of community, may shed some light on global issues of energy justice, since energy is not only a matter of individual rights and responsibilities, but also of collective responsibilities" (Bombaerts et al., 2020, p. 217). As a result, integrating the concept of community within energy justice or policy-making will lead to possible solutions to energy justice from the perspective of a community (Bombaerts et al., 2020). Furthermore, future research may focus on how energy justice concepts can be incorporated into Dutch policy-making. Dutch planning policies might benefit from incorporating the practical recommendations for inclusive policy-making from this study.


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Appendix A

Interview guideline #Category 1 (Translated from Dutch by author) Date & time:

Name & age:


Length interview:

Anonymization: no / only function / yes

Focus area Questions Themes and answers

Introduction I introduce myself, tell the purpose and theme of my interview and introduce the consent form

(Researcher introduction) (research)

(guarantee anonymity)

Introduction question Can you tell me who you are and how you ended up in this position at […] ?

How did the idea for a transition vision came about?

(personal motivation) (actualities)

(how society is supported)

The heat transition vision [a very ambitious and complex plan].

How are you working on that?

- What are the activities of the officials who work within this domain?

What kind of challenges do you encounter?

How do residents react to this?

(involvement VVE/housing corporation)

(examples actions)


The transition vision is reviewed every 5 years. Are there currently any new guidelines that you think should be adjusted?

(tips and future perspective)

(tips and future perspective) (important bottlenecks summarized)

(Prodecural Justice) To what extent do you think the transition vision for heat is fair enough?

(opinion about fairness/justice)

Any questions Indicate further steps of research & thank

Interview guideline #Category 2 and 3 (Translated from Dutch by author)

Date & time:

Name & age:


Length interview:

Anonymization: no / only function / yes

Focus area Questions Themes and answers

Introduction I introduce myself, tell the purpose and theme of my interview and introduce the consent form

(Researcher introduction) (research)

(guarantee anonymity)

Introduction question Can you tell me who you are and how you ended up in this position at […] ?

(personal motivation) (actualities)

(how society is supported)

Procedural Justice

(accessibility to information)


Freedom (subsidy impact)

Energy poverty (affordability and welfare)

Due to the current events, we notice that municipalities are in a hurry to get rid of gas as soon as possible; how do you notice that?

[within your organization &


(disclosure of information)

(violations of certain rights)

Energy poverty (affordability and welfare)


Procedural Justice

(accessibility to information)

In what way do you think the municipality is trying not to pass on the prices to the resident?

Are the available subsidies equally sufficient for everyone?

(allowances and subsidies) (examples)

(collaboration) (inclusiveness, sustainability)

(access to subsidies for non-native speakers and low-income people)

Procedural Justice

(accessibility to information)


Fairness (environmental equiaty)


How do you notice that the municipality is dealing with the transition among people with low literacy and non-native speakers?

How is diversity of residents taken into account? [is in the transition vision?



The transition vision is reviewed every 5 years. Are there currently any new guidelines that you think should be adjusted?

(tips and future perspective) (important bottlenecks summarized)

(Prodecural Justice) To what extent do you think the transition vision for heat is fair enough?

(opinion about fairness/justice)

Any questions Indicate further steps of research & thank

Interview guideline #Category 4 (Translated from Dutch by author)

Date & time:

Name & age:


Length interview:

Anonymization: no / only function / yes

Focus area Questions Themes and answers

Introduction I introduce myself, tell the purpose and theme of my interview and introduce the consent form

(Researcher introduction) (research)

(guarantee anonymity)

Introduction question Can you tell me who you are and how you ended up in this position at […] ?

(personal motivation) (actualities)

(how society is supported)

Procedural Justice

(accessibility to information)

Energy poverty (affordability and welfare)

Do you have the idea that the use of sustainable energy is a current theme within the Hispanic community?

(level of knowledge of the case and reasons)

(participation in social activities/own activities to

reduce gas


(income/no access to energy services)

Freedom (subsidy impact)

Fairness (environmental equity)

The municipality of Amsterdam sometimes organizes meetings to inform and think about sustainable use. How do you notice that the community is aware or involved?

Within the transition to sustainable energy, the municipality aims to:

1. Make it affordable and 2. in collaboration with the communities;

Do you see something of that?

How do people feel about this?

(feeling of (in)dependence on energy activities)


(reasons for participation or not)


(feeling of exclusion)

Fairness (environmental equiaty)

How do you personally think the municipality should proceed when it comes to approaching and participating in the transition vision of warmth of non-native speakers?


(Prodecural Justice) To what extent do you think the transition vision for heat is fair enough?

(opinion about fairness/justice)

Any questions Indicate further steps of research & thank

Interview guideline #Category 5 (Translated from Spanish by author) Date & time:

Name & age:


Postal code:

Length interview:

Anonymization: no / only name / yes

Focus area Questions Themes and answers

Introduction I introduce myself, tell the purpose and theme of my interview and introduce the consent form

(Researcher introduction) (research)

(guarantee anonymity)

General questions

(introduction question)

(Fairness: environmental equity)

Can you tell me who you are, and what brought you to The Netherlands?

How did the country receive you?

(type of migrant)

(community that received him/her)

Dutch level/integration) (Where you live/rent) (feeling of exclusion)

Procedural Justice (accessibility to information)

Energy poverty (affordability and welfare)

Have you noticed anything about gas prices going up in the Netherlands? / heard something?

*show the 3 types of sustainable energy & Bijlmer map*

(level of knowledge of the subject)

(reported by whom)

(participation in community activities/own activities to reduce gas use/income) (income/lack of access to energy services)

Freedom (subsidy impact)

Fairness (environmental equity)

The municipality of Amsterdam sometimes organizes meetings to inform and participate in ideas about sustainable use.

Have you participated in any project? Because otherwise?

And how does that make you feel?

(sense of (in)dependence on energy activities)

(disposition and reason)

(reasons for participation or not)

Fairness (environmental equiaty)

Have you noticed that they are going to make changes in your house?

What kind of actions do you take to reduce your gas use?

Have you heard about the availability of subsidies to make sustainable energy changes in your home?




(Prodecural Justice) What would you need so that you can stop using gas and sustain yourself only electric?

Who is responsible for the energy transition in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost?



Any questions Indicate further steps of research & thank

Appendix B

A schematic overview of the codes applied with ATLAS.ti, categorized by main and sub-themes and some examples of possible answers classified.

Appendix C

Consent Form

Understanding the transition vision heat in de Bijlmer area within Hispanic communities, Angelica Francisco, master student, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Amsterdam (UvA)

I………..., voluntarily agree to participate in this research study.

I understand that at any time I can withdraw the permission to use the data or to refuse to answer any questions without any consequences of any kind. I understand that I will give permission to audio-record this interview, and that any form of data (transcripts, pictures, and audio) will only be used for the purpose of this master thesis.

All the collected data and personal information about me will be permanently deleted after October 1st, 2022.

Signature of research participant Date

--- --- I believe the participant is giving informed

consent to participate in this study

Signature of researcher Date

--- ---

Appendix D

Code of conduct for ethical considerations (principles and expectations for this research)

1. The researcher's role in this research is to obtain clear and transparent information in order to be able to successfully complete her master thesis, and she should always clarify her role to anyone involved in the research.

2. Any research participant should take part voluntarily, free from any pressure or influence.

3. A consent form should be signed off by any participant that wishes to do so, in order to give them legal protection.

4. Any rights, dignity and (when possible) autonomy, should be respected and appropriately protected.

5. All research participant should be given appropriate and transparent information about the purpose, methods, and intended use of the research before giving consent to participate within this research.

6. The independent approach of this research should be clear, and any conflicts of interest should be explicit.

7. This research should be designed, reviewed, and undertaken to ensure recognized standards of integrity are met, and quality and transparency are assured.

8. In order to guarantee credibility and authenticity, participants cannot have their information changed by the researcher.

9. Before, during, and after conducting interviews, the researcher should ensure that herself, as well as all participants, feel safe at all times, and should not put anyone in any kind of danger.

Appendix E

Policy brief with practical instruments for inclusive policy-making