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There is clearly a need for more GDM research. Gestational diabetes mellitus is a global health problem, not only because its prevalence is high and on the increase, but also because of the potential implications for the health of mothers and their offspring. There is a clear need for a set of globally uniform guidelines on the diag-nosis of and treatment strategy for GDM. Currently, guidelines differ with regard to diagnostic cut-off criteria, most likely prompted by the fear of the costs and healthcare efforts that would be attached to any strengthening of diagnostic crite-ria. Endeavors to adopt the criteria proposed by IADPSG will warrant large cohort studies in GDM in order to provide both medical and economic justifications for such a change.

The treatment of GDM is also accompanied by both certainties and caveats.

There is no specific guideline on dietary treatment and studies are scarce, although there is general consensus that excessive carbohydrate intake should limited and distributed over meals to lower glycemic excursions. However, it is unknown wheth-er carbohydrate restriction is actually beneficial in GDM, as has been indicated by a number of studies on this topic. Although these studies showed promising results on glycemic control and the reduced risk of later developing T2DM, there is a clear need for further investigating the benefits and perils of carbohydrate restriction in GDM both during pregnancy and afterwards.

With the exception of specific issues related to the use of insulin in GDM, drug treatment remains contentious and the advice provided in guidelines is highly variable. In terms of the use of oral blood glucose-lowering agents, the risk of neo-natal hypoglycemia and increased neoneo-natal birth weights does not support use of glyburide in GDM. The use of metformin seems promising and has already been incorporated into several guidelines. The uncertainties related to metformin use are a possible risk of premature delivery and concerns of the long-term safety regarding male fertility, and there is a particular need for studies regarding fetal programming and development in the offspring.


The author’s work reported herein was supported by an unrestricted research grant from Novo Nordisk Netherlands.


The authors have nothing to declare.



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A Evaluation of the current