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In document Master Thesis (pagina 41-45)

confidence in their understanding of what IoT technologies are, the information collected and even experience using these technologies in other devices. Therefore, it can be stated with confidence that individuals believe that effectiveness and the risks surrounding the new technology are of most importance.

There was the expectation that an increase in performance would have positive influence on a consumer’s intention to accept IoT technologies in vehicles. The results confirm that there is a significant effect and path coefficient. Therefore, evidence that the increase in performance that an individual expects IoT technologies will increase their intention to adopt the technology in vehicles. This supports previous research recorded by Venkatesh et al, (2003) that performance is a primary determinant of technology adoption. The second factor which confirmed to having a significant effect on the intention to adopt is Perceived Risk. Perceived Risk recognized as a potential obstacle in an individual’s intention to accept IoT technologies in vehicles. In essence the more risk that an individual perceives, the less willing to accept.

Similar to Weber (2010) recorded that a lack of perceived security or a high perception of risk played a role on the intention to accept new technologies but not a significant one. Potential reasoning for this is that individuals don’t have experience and therefore an individuals own perception can be made. This research shows that perceived risk has a significant effect on the intention to adopt IoT technologies in vehicles. IoT technologies is a new technology with majority of users stating to have understanding and experience with IoT technologies. With that experience users seem to have a confidence that the benefits of IoT in vehicles outweigh the risks that users perceive.

Perceived security, similar to perceived risk in focusing on the obstacles of new technologies, did not have a significant effect on the intention to adopt. Perceived Security related to more

of the operational aspects and users would feel secure and confident that vehicle will not bring them into danger when IoT technologies are implemented in a vehicle. With no significant effect it shows that individuals are confident that there are no serious threats to resist IoT technologies. Potentially because there is an overall confidence in consumers that manufacturers would not develop a product that would be deemed as unsecure to the market, especially in a product that is well developed and implemented in society for decades, the automobile.

The final factor, Social Influence, individually had a no significant effect on the intention to use IoT technologies in vehicles. Lue et al (2013), discusses that social influence can effect different age groups uniquely. The largest age group represented in the study was 26-35, which is an age group less sensitive to social influence compared to the 18 – 25 group, but also a group that has experienced the transition of new technologies being adapted to everyday products but also products that traditionally had no to limited technologies involved such as vehicles. Most of the respondents 63%, were below the age of 35. The is a public confidence that this age group is will to accept technology at a great rate compared to older age groups but also considered to be more sensitive to sustainability and environmental concerns. Therefore a broad understanding that sustainability and having be more sustainable in all aspects of life is already greatly accepted.

In this research the influence of an individual’s willingness and determination to become more sustainable has no effect on the intention to adopt IoT technologies in vehicles. Environmental Striving as a moderating effect has no influence on each individual factor. Individuals are seemingly more interested in the effectiveness of IoT technologies in vehicles and what these

risks entail rather than a complete focus on being more environmentally friendly. Since there is a low significant effect, this warrants further study.

More than half of the hypothesis are not accepted but the results still give a strong indication of what factors influence individuals in the adoption of IoT technologies in vehicles. Overall, performance and risk are indicators are the most important factors to intention to adopt IoT technologies. Before the study there was a belief that sustainability and the influence of the environment would influence the factors. However, the results seem to indicate that individuals are more interested in the performance and abilities when making decisions rather than its influence on the environment. Taken from the data, majority of the respondents are willing to adapt vehicle habits and aspects to their traditional methods. But seemingly willing to adapt to effectiveness of performance rather than adapt pure for sustainability purposes. This is important to reaching consumers and speeding up the adoption rate, if it is concluded that IoT technologies will have a positive influence on sustainability. The technology has not yet been implemented on large scale and the data from that technology has not yet been collected so this is yet to be seen. Knowing that consumers are more focused on the performance and risk, rather than its effect on government manufacturers can focus on these features to create a greater or quicker adoption rate.

In document Master Thesis (pagina 41-45)