• No results found


73 developments will induce investment in market activities and upscale infrastructure to break through the current lock-in. For example, a starting point could be a policy intervention that sets clear and binding targets for the production of green hydrogen supported by a clear policy instrument. This policy instrument should focus on reducing the cost deficit of hydrogen and its alternatives, thereby supporting the business case of projects. This intervention should be combined with specific regulations and binding targets for the use of hydrogen in some specific sectors to stimulate market formation. However, this should be achieved in consultation with other system actors and should be targeted at sectors in which renewable hydrogen can save most carbon dioxide emissions. These improved coordination activities are essential if we want to achieve the hydrogen transition and create a hydrogen value chain.



I would like to sincerely thank my supervisor Dr. Simona Negro for her guidance, time, and consultation during the process of performing this research and writing my thesis. The weekly meetings provided me with concrete and constructive feedback allowing me to push myself and get the most out of this research. Secondly, I also want to sincerely thank Dr. Koen Verkade for his time to be my second reader, provide feedback on my proposal, and to be present at my thesis presentation. To finish, I would like to thank my girlfriend, friends, and family for their support during my graduation period.


B. Broekstra

Msc student Sustainable business and innovation



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Appendix A: Event-history allocation indicators

Adapted from Wesseling & Meijerhof (2021) and Negro et al. (2012)

Function Positive indicators (+1) Negative indicators (-1)

SF1: Entrepreneurial

experimentation, upscaling, and business model change

Project started, organization entering the market, New companies, new pilots, introduction of new designs

Project stopped,

organization leaving the market

SF2: Knowledge development Research projects, technical projects, development projects, studies on technology, research groups, patents, new products, scientific publications

SF3: Knowledge diffusion Workshops, conferences, reports, platforms, knowledge


Deficit in sharing or knowledge withholding or protecting

SF4: Guidance of the search Regulations by the government, deficit in government regulations, feasibility studies, new goals or targets, expectations of solutions, agreements about technological direction, process monitoring, coordinating activities, coalitions for guidance

Deficit in government regulations

SF5: Market formation Regulation programs, Stimulation programs, Environmental

standards, Specific favorable tax regimes, technical standards, adoption activities, activities to create demand.

Lack of regulation programs, Lack of

stimulation programs, Lack of environmental

standards, Lack of favorable tax regimes SF6: Resources allocation Subsidies for upscale or research,

mobilization for human resources, creation of infrastructure, creation of financial resources

Lack of subsidies for research or upscale, lack in human resources, no infrastructure, lack in financial resources SF7: Creation of legitimacy Promotion of technology by

system actors, lobby activity in favor of technology, Positive discourse (opinion, publication) against technology

Lack of promotion by system actors, lobby activity against the technology, Negative discourse (opinion, publication) against technology


Appendix B: Interview Guide English

Adapted from Wesseling & Meijerhof (2021) and Hekkert et al. (2012).

MIS system function Description Diagnostic questions SF1: Entrepreneurial

experimentation, upscaling, and business model change

Experiments with solutions (or clusters of solutions) to enable learning; creation of markets for new solutions; and creation of business model innovations to stimulate the diffusion of solutions, building production capacity.

• Are these the most relevant actors?

• Are there sufficient industrial actors in the innovation system?

• Do the industrial actors innovate sufficiently?

• Do the industrial actors focus sufficiently on large scale production?

• Does the experimentation and production by entrepreneurs form a barrier for the Innovation System to move to the next phase?

SF2: Knowledge development

The creation and development of knowledge through

“learning by searching” and

“learning by doing”. These activities result in new technical and socio-institutional knowledge to develop the technology under investigation.

• Is the amount of knowledge development sufficient for the development

• of the innovation system?

• Is the quality of knowledge development sufficient for the development

• of the innovation system?

• Does the type of knowledge developed fit with the knowledge needs within the innovation system?

• Does the quality and/or quantity of knowledge development form a barrier for the TIS to move to the next?

SF3: Knowledge diffusion

Refers to activities that result in the exchange and diffusion of knowledge through

networks. Knowledge-sharing activities include media, reports, workshops,

stakeholder meetings, etc. In this context, the phasing out focuses on knowledge exchange processes that are obstructing the mission.

• Is there enough knowledge exchange between science and industry?

• Is there enough knowledge exchange between users and industry?

• Is there sufficient knowledge exchange across geographical borders?

• Are there problematic parts of the innovation system in terms of knowledge exchange?

• Is knowledge exchange forming a barrier for the IS to move to the next phase?

SF4: Guidance of the search

This function refers to the process of selecting or

rejecting a specific direction of

• Is there a clear vision on how the industry and market should develop?

• In terms of growth