• No results found

Various barriers and socio-spatial contestations against PEH made it difficult for them to negotiate their urban citizenship and space in Thurston County. In the end, PEHs’ negotiation for urban citizenship and space is ongoing, and their success depends on a radical shift whereby all urban dwellers - PEH, domiciled people and government actors - work together to transform the County to be more inclusive for all.


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Appendices Appendix A – Operationalization Table

Concept Dimension Variable/Indicator

Negotiating Urban Citizenship

Belonging How do PEH in Thurston County perceive their role in the community?

What kinds of interactions do PEH have with

“familiar strangers”, or domiciled people?

How do PEH feel included in Thurston County?

How do PEH feel excluded in Thurston County?

What kinds of relationships do PEH perceive having with domiciled people?

What kinds of relationships do PEH perceive having with other PEH (micro level)?

What kinds of relationships do PEH perceive having with local government (macro level)?

Political Engagement Do PEH feel their human rights are honored?

What obstacles do PEH perceive that hinder their political engagement?

Do PEH engage in voice tactics?

Are PEH civically engaged at the macro level?

Accessing Resources and Services

Can PEH access resources and services adequately?

What barriers do PEH face with regards to accessing resources and services?

Non-Human Entities Are there non-human entities that make PEH feel more included in the community?

Are there non-human entities that make PEH feel more excluded in the community?

Negotiating Urban Space

Type of Space Do PEH use prime space for subsistence activities?

Do PEH use marginal space for living activities (relaxing, sleeping, etc)?

Do PEH use different spaces during different parts of the day?

Do PEH perceive a difference in the level of comfort of certain spaces versus others due to contestations from others?

Do domiciled people treat PEH differently in different spaces?

Access to Space Do PEH feel they can access public space (parks, streets, etcetera) adequately?

Do PEH have access to transportation?

Do PEH have access to shelter?

How do PEH resist spatial contestations against them (exit, persist, adapt, voice)?

Non-Human Entities What kinds of non-human entities help PEH negotiate for urban space?

Transforming the City

Imagining Inclusion What does “inclusive” mean to PEH?

How would PEH like to see the County transformed to be more inclusive for them?

Appendix B – Interview Script with PEH Variable Dimension Question Background


n/a How old are you?

Are you originally from Olympia/Thurston County?

Are you currently experiencing homelessness?

The next questions are for me to gain a more complete picture about homelessness in Olympia, but if you don’t feel

comfortable, we can move on:

How long have you experienced homelessness?

If you don’t mind my asking, how did you become homeless?

Negotiating Urban Citizenship

Belonging Do you think housed people accept PEH as part of the community?

Do you think that PEH in Olympia feel that they belong in the city?

In your experience, how do housed people treat homeless people?

Follow up: How do they treat you?

As a person experiencing homelessness, do you feel included in the city?

If yes: What helps you feel included?

If no: What makes you feel excluded?

Political Engagement

Do you think your human rights are being honored?

Do you feel there are obstacles preventing you from being politically engaged because you are houseless?

Do you think PEH are politically engaged at a national or local level?

Do you think there is a lot of political activism and protest among PEH?

Accessing Resources and Services

As a person experiencing homelessness, do you feel that you can access resources and services adequately?

Do you feel that there are obstacles preventing you from accessing resources and services?

Non-Human Entities

For a couple questions during in the interview, I will ask you about “non-human things”. I just want to clarify what I mean.

Non-human things could be anything that is not a human. It could be anything. With this in mind:

Can you think of any non-human things that make you feel more included in the city?

Can you think of any non-human things that make you feel excluded?

Negotiating Urban Space

Type of Space

Where do you sleep most nights, and where do you spend your days?

Are there certain areas of the city that you feel more comfortable in than others?

Do you feel a difference in the way people treat you when you were downtown versus in the outskirts of town?

Access to Urban Space

Do you feel that you are able to access public space easily?

Why/Why not?

Question Added Halfway Through Interviews:

What do you do when people ask you to leave an area? For example, if police tell you to move?

Non-Human Entities

What kinds of non-human things do you think help PEH claim space in Olympia?

Transforming the County

Imagining Inclusion

These days, the word ‘inclusive’ has become really important.

What does the word inclusive mean to you?

How would you like to see the city transformed to be more inclusive for people experiencing houselessness?

Relationships Between Urban Dwellers

n/a How would you describe the types of relationships you have had with other people experiencing homelessness?

How would you describe the relationship between PEH and the broader community?

How would you describe the relationship between PEH and the City’s government?

What role do you think PEH have in the city?

Appendix C – Interview Script with Professionals Variable Dimension Question

Background Information

n/a How long have you been working with PEH?

What kind of work do you do?

Are you currently experiencing homelessness?

What is the long-term mission, and what happens on a daily basis in your work?

Why did you decide to do this kind of work?

How long have you lived in Olympia?

How do you think the city has been affected by homelessness?

Negotiating Urban Citizenship

Belonging Do you think that the public accepts PEH as part of the community?

Do you think PEH in Olympia feel that they belong in the city?

Political Engagement

Do you think PEH in Olympia are politically engaged?

Do you see a lot of protest and advocacy activity among PEH?

What kinds of political aims do you think PEH have, and what issues do you think are most important to them?

Accessing Resources and Services

Do you think that PEH are able to access resources and services adequately?

IF YES: is that because the city provides well?

IF NO: Why not? What barriers are there?

Non-Human Entities

For a couple questions in the interview, I will ask you about

“non-human things”. I just want to clarify what I mean. Non-human things could be anything that is not a Non-human. It could be anything. With this in mind:

Can you think of any non-human things that might make people experiencing homelessness feel more included, or excluded in the city?