• No results found


In document MASTER THESIS (pagina 54-68)

54 In summary, due to the increasing platform competition and the severe platform lock-in technique, an agile and flexible app structure is highly recommended to support a quick and facile exit strategy when and if needed.


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Exhibit 1. (Van Alstyne, 2019)


59 Exhibit 2. (Cusumano, Gawer and Yoffie, 2018)

60 Exhibit 3. (Cusumano, Gawer and Yoffie, 2018)

61 Exhibit 4. Participants list

Exhibit 5. Platform owners list

Platform owners used by participants

Google Oracle

Amazon Workday

Salesforce SAP

Wavemaker Thinkwise

Spring WEM

Microsoft IBM

DocuSign Betty Blocks

62 Exhibit 6. Semi-structured Interview content

Introduction to the topic

The research is part of a final thesis EPMS - UVA

The research question is: What is the effect of platform performance on theTPA choice to extend, exit or mix several platforms?

Platform focus areas are PAAS or HPaPAAS, such as Salesforce (heroku), Microsoft Power apps, Google app engine, Mendix, Outsystems and Magento. App developers can use homogeneous e.g. Gen25, ComplianceQuest, 4C and Vanenburg Software.

The research goal is to contribute to existing literature by focusing on TPA retention theory and to help TPA to make the right choice.

PAAS / Platform related questions 1 Could you introduce yourself?

2 Could you introduce your business (country, industry, apps ...)?

3 How would you describe your current platform?

The Platform Choice (Context, process of the decision) 1Why did you choose the current platform?

2 When did you make the choice and how?

3 How do you use current platform

Platform performance related questions

1 How would you define Platform Performance in your words?

2 How do you recognize Platform Performance based on Finance (growth)?

3 How would you recognize platform performance based on Architecture?

4 How would you recognize platform performance based on Governance?

-Control mechanism or Price control: Subsidiary of one of the 2 sides.

5 Which other factors could you add to (PP)?

6 Which PP factors are most important to you to make a choice?

63 App developer choice (retention) Extend, Exit and hybrid

1 How would you define retention?

2 What makes you extend the use of current platform 3 When will you choose to leave a platform?

4 What other choices do you have then leave or stay with a platform?

5 Which examples do you have in your mind 6 What do you want to add to TPA retention Relation with Performance

1 Which platform performance factors have an effect on your choice?

2 Why would you choose to leave a platform (in relation to performance)?

3 How does the platform owner motivate you to continue to invest in its technology Other factors

1 How would a competitor platform influence your relationship with your chosen platform?

2 Which other factors could influence your relationship with your chosen platform?

Thank you for your time and for your participation. Do you have any additional information to share or do you want to give your feedback?

64 Exhibit 7. Codebook

Name Groundedness Density Groups

API 15 1 Platform Performance

AppExchange 9 1 Platform Performance

Architecture 14 3 Platform Performance

Autonomy 3 1 Platform Performance

Benchmarking 4 0 Platform Choice

Big Data 3 1 Platform Performance

Commitment 4 0 Engagement

Community & Ecosystem 11 0 Engagement

Competition with Platform 8 0 Retention related

Database 5 1 Platform Performance

Dependency 5 0 Retention related

Ease of Use 4 1 Platform Performance

End-User preferences 27 0 End-User

Engagement 30 0 Engagement

Evolution 12 0 Platform Performance

Exit 52 0 Retention related

Experience with Platform 4 0 Platform Choice

Extend 73 0 Retention related

Financial Performance 28 1 Platform Performance

Global End-Users 4 0 End-User

Google 11 0 Competition


Governance 35 1 Platform Performance

Hybrid 26 0 Retention related

Innovation 33 5 Platform Performance

Integration with External Tools 5 1 Platform Performance

Integration with Platform 7 1 Platform Performance

Latency 10 1 Platform Performance

Lock-in & Switching costs 27 0 Retention related

Loyalty 11 0 Engagement

Mass access 18 1 Platform Performance

ML- AI 10 1 Platform Performance

Monopoly 4 0 Retention related

Open Source 10 0 Platform Choice

Performance 57 0 Platform Performance

Platform Choice 39 0 Platform Choice

Platform competition 29 0 Competition

Platform Roadmap 5 0 Retention related

Price Control 8 0 Retention related

Pricing model 5 0 Platform Choice

Quality 4 1 Platform Performance

Quantity apps 5 1 Platform Performance

Salesforce 21 0 Competition

Scalability 7 1 Platform Performance


Security 12 1 Platform Performance

Spillover 14 0 Platform Performance

Start-up 1 0 Platform Choice

Status- Partnership 6 0 Engagement

Subsidy 6 1 Platform Performance

Technology 46 8 Platform Performance

Tools-Features-Functionalities 14 1 Platform Performance

TPA competition 5 0 Retention related

TPA Discrimination 5 0 Retention related

TPA Investment 17 0 Platform Choice

TPA NIche 7 0 Retention related

Training and certification 11 0 Engagement

Trust 9 0 Retention related

Updates 6 1 Platform Performance

Value add - Gap 21 0 Retention related

In document MASTER THESIS (pagina 54-68)