• No results found

This thesis has presented three theoretical frameworks that give an indication of the changes in the competencies, role, and status of management due to AI implementations. The impact of AI implementations is increasing and the need for academic understanding in the field is following. Research on AI from a technological as well as an organizational point of view has therefore enjoyed much attention in recent years. This research however focusses on the management implications, and although this has received some attention in the theory of organizational AI capabilities, the lack of research on the matter is a gap in the current research enterprise. This was confirmed by Raisch & Krakowski (2021) and (Reim et al., 2020) as both studies indicated the need for further research. With a qualitative inductive approach, this research elaborates on changes in all three dimensions. This was derived by applying the Gioia methodology with the analysis of eight interviews with managers in the insurance industry.

This research has created a conceptual framework for the different dimensions.

Looking at the management competencies, the findings partly confirm and add to the claims in the AI capabilities theory as it highlights the need for; change management, AI knowledge and the skill to look at business from a data point of view. The findings also give more depth to AI knowledge, by giving more details in the areas where the knowledge is applied and the need to handle AI with the right ethical attitude and GDPR knowledge (especially important within the insurance industry). Looking at the leadership role, the importance to deal with employee resistance is confirmed. Novel role changes were also discovered, with new team needs being driven by the accelerated merging of business and IT as well as the introduction of AI as a team member. Furthermore, the role of the manager to attract and retain digital talent has increased in importance, they need to understand the needs of the more analytical type of employees. When considering the changes in status of management, these were least

transparent in the findings. The informants did indicate that data analysts and scientists are receiving more decision authority, which could be explained by Finkelstein’s theory on expert power. The results indicate that management is adjusting in all three dimensions as AI is implemented, this opens up new research opportunities, to increase academic

understanding and assist management to adjust to the newest artificial team member.

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