• No results found

This research aimed to identify the main challenges and opportunities in fighting food waste in local practices. The most important opportunity includes MLG; if the decision-making process around food waste involves non-governmental actors as well, it will have a more efficient outcome. When this is arranged, it is important to proceed with the implementation of cook-to-order preparation, council sessions, nudging techniques, improving food packaging and to implement intelligent solutions such as the Orbisk. This is financed through money coming from the national government. However, challenges within food waste are occurring as well; the definition of the expiration date, the fact that there is a pricing system between supermarkets, and the overconsumption of consumers. Outside of the practical opportunities, the theoretical opportunity is to implement MLG within the decision-making process. MLG will create a tight network between all actors involved, which leads to an increasing collaboration.

In order to discover the challenges and opportunities; local, national, and international policies have been researched. This proved that there is no exact law on food waste at local level, every municipality is free to choose its own priority. In addition, five case studies are conducted to demonstrate the assumption of the private sector. Some actors received governmental support (such as Vers en Vrij, Instock, Dutch Cuisine) and some did not (The Hotelschool, Wastewatchers). Vers en Vrij does receive financial support however, that does not come from the government but from a fund. The challenge which was discovered in the literature review was that fighting food waste is not a priority within all municipalities and therefore it should be a priority in all municipalities. In addition, municipalities should directly provide more (financial) support. This is confirmed through the case studies.

All in all, the following are the defining conclusions of this research. The main opportunities include;

introducing MLG in the decision-making processes to make it as optimal as possible. This will lead to a more efficient policy-setting on food waste. The government should be more involved towards food politics. Moreover, increasing awareness by making food waste top priority within municipalities.

Thirdly, the expiration date has to be reassessed by the Voedselwarenautoriteit. However, challenges appeared as well, which are as follows; firstly, the rewarding system on having the prettiest fruits and vegetables between supermarkets has to disappear. Secondly, the overconsumption of consumers has to decrease. Based on the findings, the municipality should consider to have food waste as a top priority in the decision-making process in order to decrease overproduction. This could be achieved by setting municipal goals on food waste.

In addition, new questions arose along the research, such as; should the Commodity act not be changed, and should the expiration date not be exchanged for another method? This research clearly illustrates that the food waste challenge is being tackled, but it also raises the question whether the

definition of the expiration date should be renewed and the Commodity act has to be reviewed. For future research on this topic, these two idioms should be sorted out and there should be more clarity on it towards the food service industry.


The term MLG should be introduced within all actors in the process. This and the tasks such as; being in charge of the expiration date, food safety policies, influencing customer behaviour and maintaining the relationships between ministries within the Netherlands has to become the responsibility of the Voedselwarenautoriteit, causing that it will have the authority on the entire food waste problem. The organisation is suited to be in charge of the entire food waste problem and will change the standards on grown foods. It is the perfect solution as it is a permanent and independent organisation from the government, contrary to the parliament and (appointed) ministers, which changes every four years.

Therefore, solutions and food waste regulations will remain steady and will have clear guidelines on food waste.


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Annotated Bibliography

Rinkesh (n.d.). Cause, Effects and Solutions to Growing Problem Food Waste. Conserve, Energy, Future.

Retrieved from https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/causes-effects-solutions-food-waste.php#:~:text=Amazing%20Solutions%20to%20Food%20Waste%201%20Balancing%20food,effor ts%20to%20reduce%20food%20footprint.%20Meer%20items...%20

The Article describes the different causes, solutions and approaches to tackle food waste. The article is written by Rinkesh who is an environmentalist and who founded the Conserve, Energy, Future.

Furthermore Rinkesh is the editor of Clean and Green Energy to educate people how to save energy.

The article does not contain a publication date, although he points out a report in 2013, which is quite some time ago. Making this article less reliable.

European Commission (August 24, 2020). Tackling Food Waste in the EU: a new Brief to inform Policy Strategies. Retrieved from https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/science-update/tackling-food-waste-eu-new-brief-inform-policy-strategies

In this informative article of the European Commission is the definition of food waste elaborated. Furthermore the possible solutions on the quantity of food waste in the European Union are given. The source is reliable because it is written with support of the Joint Research Centre which completes all the research of the European Union. On top of that the source comes from August 24 2020, which makes the source more reliable.

EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste (12-12-2019). Recommendation for Action in Food Waste Prevention. Europa.eu. Retrieved from https://ec.europa.eu/food/sites/food/files/safety/docs/fs_eu-actions_action_implementation_platform_key_recommendations.pdf

According to EU platform on food losses and food waste (2019) the primary focus of food waste prevention should be to act at the source by limiting the generation of surplus food at each stage of the food supply chain and to recover them and ensure the highest value use of food resources, in line with the waste prevention hierarchy.

Fusions (31 March 2016). Estimates of European Food Waste Levels. Europa.eu. Retrieved from

http://www.eu-fusions.org/phocadownload/Publications/Estimates%20of%20European%20food%20waste%20levels .pdf

This report describes an estimate of food waste for the 28 European Union countries. Although all the results are from the year 2012 or earlier thus this source is not that accurate.

Lawrence, T. (2018). European Supermarkets take to the front line in fight against food waste. FSCI.

Retrieved from


This article announced that France implemented a 2016 law that illegalized supermarkets to throw out unsold food. Grocery stores in the UK pledged to halve food waste by 2030 for example by campaigning, by selling surpassed date products for a reduced price, and partnerships with charities.

On top of that education is an important key factor.

Food waste impacts on international level

European Union (November, 2019). EU Platform on food losses and food waste. Retrieved from https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-180488a