• No results found

& 6)

Regression 6: Inverse of sustainable development

6. Conclusion:

Optimised basket of regulation - Reserve requirements (central

bank, from use-case 1)

- A Countercyclical capital buffer (central bank, from use-case 1 and 2)

- A Market Abuse Directive (SEC or equivalent, from use-case 3)

Table 4 (Final optimised basket of regulation)

In response to the sub-question of this research; ‘How does the optimal approach vary, depending on the prevailing use-case of Bitcoin?’, one needs only to consider the sub-baskets of regulation indicated in results 4.4. This is due to the fact that the regulatory approach was first optimised for each use-case, thus each sub-basket represents the optimal approach for each of the three prevailing use-cases independently.


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Appendix 1. Hausman (Regression 1)