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As social media platforms have an increasing power and offer their user a variety of possibilities, social media is integrated in more and more areas of life. Due to the fast and ongoing development of technology and the infinite possibilities on social media platforms, societal and ethical discussion about the upcoming challenges is not enough, the law also has to address these issues and protect the user’s and society’s interest. Ensuring a safe and protective space in the online world is an aim of high importance. Nevertheless, the user’s right to protection of her data and privacy cannot be neglected. In particular, the right to privacy has to be valued as privacy is facing extensive changes since life started shifting from the offline to the online world. The implementation of an identity verification on social media platforms is a big and important step towards more certainty and safety in the online world.

Therefore, the need for a regulation is given. However, it is important to note that the user’s most valuable asset in the online world, especially on social media platforms, is her data.

Therefore, an identity verification on social media platforms based on the platform’s purpose

29 and the user’s interest whose standards are regulated by European law and which has to be available for every user but leaves the decision of being verified to the user herself, pursues the aim of a verification the best and additionally respects the users right to privacy concerning her right to informational self-determination within the scope of the GDPR.



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