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Conclusion and Future Work

In document Systems for AutoML Research (pagina 88-94)

4.4 Conclusion and Future Work

OpenML is a platform for collaborative machine learning which allows researchers to define reproducible experimental setups, share ML experiment results, and build on the results of others. In this chapter we introduced openml-python, which provides an easy-to-use interface to OpenML in Python, and OpenML benchmarking suites, which are a collection of curated tasks to evaluate algo-rithms under a precise set of conditions. Our goal is to simplify the creation of well-designed benchmarks to push machine learning research forward. More than just creating and sharing benchmarks, we want to allow anyone to ef-fortlessly run and publish their own benchmarking results and organize them online in a single place where they can be easily explored, downloaded, shared, compared, analyzed, and used by others in their research.

openml-python makes it easy for people to share and reuse datasets, meta-data, and empirical results of ML experiments. It has already been used to scale up studies with hundreds of consistently formatted datasets [85, 94], supply large amounts of meta-data for meta-learning [186], answer questions about algorithms such as hyperparameter importance [255] and facilitate large-scale comparisons of algorithms [233]. In the future we hope to improve support for deep learning experiments through e.g., extensions for frameworks such as tensorflow [1].

We introduced OpenML benchmarking suites, a new benchmarking layer on the OpenML platform that allows scientists to download, share, and compare results with just a few lines of code. We then introduced the OpenML-CC18, a benchmark suite created with these tools for general classification bench-marking. We reviewed how other scientists have adopted OpenML-CC18 and other benchmarking suites in their own work, from which it becomes clear that a continuous conversation with the research community is essential to evolve benchmarks and make them better and more useful over time.

Recently some conferences have recognized that creating a benchmarking suite requires a lot of work and introduced tracks such as NeurIPS’ datasets and benchmarks and AutoMLConf’s Systems, Benchmarks and Challenges which helps authors to expose their work and receive credit for it. However, the intro-duction of benchmarking suites is free-form which makes it harder for reviewers to evaluate their value, and for users to find a benchmarking suite relevant to their research. Similar to datasheets [97] which provide a rich context about a dataset, such as why it was created, how it was created, whether there are ethical concerns, and the intended use for the dataset, a standard sheet for

benchmark-72 Reproducible Benchmarks

ing suites could be constructed. This would help authors of benchmark sheets communicate with its users and further streamline the benchmark suite creation process, as the questionnaire helps the authors to reflect on each stage of the creation process. Such a ‘benchmarking sheet’ could be easily citable, integrated with the OpenML platform, further increase the quality of benchmarking suites and streamline their review process.

Big benchmarking suites help evaluate algorithms on a wide range of domains or dataset characteristics. However, for some purposes a large number of tasks might be unnecessary. Cardoso et al. [47] a post-hoc analysis is used to find a representative subset of tasks for the OpenML-CC18. The rich experimental data on OpenML could perhaps be used to shrink the benchmarking suite before publication by automatically analyzing results of previous experiments, or to propose tasks to add to a benchmarking suite to improve its expressiveness.

Achieving a similar ability for a benchmarking suite to differentiate algorithms while using fewer tasks enables researchers with limited budgets and reduces the environmental impact benchmarking studies have.

While it has not yet been demonstrated, we assume that as more methods are being evaluated on benchmarking suites, overfitting on fixed suites is in-creasingly likely. We therefore aim to periodically update existing suites with new datasets that follow the specifications laid out by the benchmark designers (e.g., as done for computer vision research [201]) and invite the community to extend existing suites with harder tasks, as done in NLP research [131].

The task and suite specifications do not yet allow for constraints on re-sources, e.g., memory or time limits. Specific benchmark studies could impose identical hardware requirements, e.g., to compare running times. Where requir-ing identical hardware is impractical, general constraints would ensure results are more comparable when multiple people run their experiments on a suite.

Explicit constraints also help interpret earlier results.

We invite the community to create additional benchmarks suites for other tasks besides classification, for larger datasets or more high-dimensional ones, for imbalanced or extremely noisy datasets, as well as for text, time series, and many other types of data. We are confident that benchmarking suites will help standardize evaluation and track progress in many subfields of machine learning, and also intend to create new suites and make it ever easier for others to do so.

Chapter 5

The AutoML Benchmark

With considerable effort being spent on developing and improving AutoML tools [285], as well as increased usage by practitioners [252], comes the need to compare the different tools and track progress in the field. However, comparing AutoML tools leaves much room for error. Issues may arise from not knowing how to correctly install, configure, or use ‘competitor’ frameworks, for instance by misunderstanding memory management and/or using insufficient compute resources [9], or failing to use comparable resource budgets [81]. Additionally, we observe that no common benchmarking suites are employed for evaluating AutoML frameworks and most published AutoML papers use a self-selected set of datasets on which to evaluate their methods. This inconsistency makes it hard to compare results across papers, and also allows for presenting cherry picked results.

In this chapter, we present an open source AutoML benchmark.1 It consists of an easy to use benchmarking tool for reproducible research on a curated list of high quality datasets. The benchmarking tool can be used to perform fully automated AutoML evaluations, and integration of the AutoML frameworks is developed together with the original AutoML contributors to ensure correct-ness. We carry out a large scale evaluation of 9 AutoML frameworks across 71 classification and 33 regression tasks and report on the results from various

This chapter is based on a work-in-progress paper, scheduled to be submitted to JMLR.

We presented a first look at this work at the ICML 2019 AutoML workshop:

Pieter Gijsbers et al. “An open source AutoML benchmark”. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.00909 (2019)

Since the workshop presentation, Stefan Coors and Marcos L. P. Bueno also joined the project.



74 The AutoML Benchmark

perspectives. Finally, we provide an interactive visualization tool which may be used for further exploration of the results.

The rest of the chapter is structured as follows. We discuss related bench-marking literature in Section 5.1, followed by an overview of integrated AutoML frameworks in Section 5.2. In Section 5.3, we provide an overview of the bench-marking tool and how to use it. We then motivate our benchmark design choices and its limitations in Section 5.4 and report on the results obtained by running the benchmark in Section 5.5. In Section 5.6 conclude our paper and sketch directions for future work.

5.1 Related Work

Several benchmark suites have been developed in machine learning [28, 178, 254, 275]. These datasets often do not include problematic data characteristics found in real world tasks (e.g., missing values) because many ML algorithms are not able to handle them natively. By contrast, AutoML frameworks should be designed to handle these problematic data characteristics to be applicable to a wide range of data. This makes relaxing these practical restrictions on the selection of datasets not only possible, but indeed interesting as the way in which AutoML frameworks handle these issues provides new dimensions in which they can be compared. Moreover, runtime budgets are often not specified in traditional ML benchmarks as the algorithms can run to completion (one exception is performance studies, such as [138]), yet they are a requirement in an AutoML benchmark as most AutoML frameworks are designed to optimize until a given time budget is exhausted.

In the remainder of this section we will discuss some of the many experi-mental evaluations of AutoML frameworks. In the process we highlight some of the issues that are encountered. We stress that we do not mean to discredit their authors and similar issues can be found in other papers.

Balaji and Allen [9] conducted one of the first benchmark studies on Au-toML tools. They evaluated four open-source frameworks on both classification and regression tasks sourced from OpenML, optimized for weighted F1 score and mean squared error, respectively. Unfortunately, they encountered techni-cal issues with most AutoML tools which led to a questionable experimental evaluation. For example, H2O AutoML [148] was configured to optimize to a dif-ferent metric (log loss as opposed to weighted F1 score) and ran with a difdif-ferent setup (unlike the others, H2O AutoML was not containerized), and auto ml [182]

had its hyperparameter optimization disabled.


A study on nearly 300 datasets across six different frameworks was conducted by Truong et al. [244]. Each experiment consisted of a single 80/20 hold out split on a 15-minute training time budget, which was chosen so that most tools returned a result on at least 70% of the datasets. We postulate it is reasonable to assume that the datasets for which no result is returned by a framework correlate strongly with datasets for which optimization is hard. For example, a big dataset might cause one framework to conduct only few evaluations while it completely halts another. Unfortunately this makes results uninterpretable when comparing aggregate performance (e.g., through the box-whisker plots used), because a tool could show better performance because it failed to return models on datasets for which optimization was hard. Truong et al. present their results across different subsets of the benchmark, e.g., few versus many categor-ical features, which helps highlighting differences between different frameworks.

The authors also conduct small-scale experiments to analyze performance over time by running the tools on multiple time budgets on a subset of datasets, as well as the ‘robustness’ which denotes the variance in final performance given the same input data. Unfortunately, both experiments were conducted on only one dataset per sub-category, which does not lend to generalizing the results.

Z¨oller and Huber [285] present a survey and benchmark on AutoML and combined algorithm selection and hyperparameter optimization (CASH [238]) frameworks. Six CASH frameworks and five AutoML tools are compared across 137 classification tasks, the former have a limit of 325 iterations while the latter are constrained to a one hour time limit. The comparison of CASH frameworks gives insight into the effectiveness of different optimization strategies on the same search space (hyperopt [18] performed best though absolute differences were small between all optimizers). The AutoML tools are compared as they are, which means the comparison might reflect a real life use case more closely with the drawback that conclusions about the effectiveness of individual parts of the system are not possible. A number of errors are observed during the experiments, including memory constraint violations, segmentation faults and Java server crashes. When analyzing the generated pipelines from different tools, the authors find that current tools construct rather modest pipelines (few preprocessing operators) and suggest that perhaps search should be expanded to explore more complicated pipelines.

Kaggle.com, a platform for data science competitions, is sometimes used to compare AutoML tools to human data scientists [73, 285]. The comparison by Z¨oller and Huber [285] found that the best AutoML framework on the bench-mark was different than the best in Kaggle competitions (TPOT and H2O AutoML, respectively). They find humans take approximately 8.5 hours to build a model

76 The AutoML Benchmark

as good the best AutoML tool does in one hour, though the best AutoML model is still bad compared to the best human-made model. Erickson et al. [73] com-pare on a larger set of Kaggle tasks, including classification and regression, and find the tools are able to outperform anywhere from 20% (Auto WEKA) to 70%

(AutoGluon-Tabular) of competitors on a 4 hour budget.

However, it is hard to interpret these results as it is typically unclear how to interpret scores on the Kaggle leaderboard. Submissions can range from seri-ous attempts by ML experts to students or even people only testing the upload functionality. For example, in one report a framework outperformed “99.3% of participating data scientists” while 42.5% of all submissions did not outperform the baseline which always predicts the majority class. Similarly, when comput-ing the time spent on a submission, it seems unreasonable to assume that all time between submissions is spent working on improving the model.

A benchmark on AutoML for multi-label classification, where a data in-stance can have multiple labels simultaneously, was presented by Wever, Mohr, and H¨ullermeier [268]. The authors develop a framework with a configurable search space and optimizer which allows for new improvements to be proposed in isolation alongside an ablation study, as opposed to the common practice of changing multiple aspects of the AutoML pipeline at once (typically together as a new tool). The disadvantage is that existing tools can’t be directly evaluated, instead each of their components first need to be reimplemented or wrapped into the benchmark framework so that a tool can be reconstructed within the bench-mark framework. Five different optimizers are compared across 24 datasets, finding that Hierarchical Task Network planning worked best, though the com-parison restricts itself only to the CASH problem as opposed to finding complete machine learning pipelines that may include preprocessing steps.

In addition to AutoML benchmarks, a series of competitions for tabular AutoML was hosted [110]. The first two competitions focused on tabular Au-toML where data is assumed to be independent and identically distributed. In the competitions participants had to submit code which automatically builds a model on given data and produce predictions for a test set. During the devel-opment phase, competitors could make use of a public leaderboard and several validation datasets. After the development phase, the latest submissions of each participant would be evaluated on a set of new datasets to determine the final ranking. Datasets consisted of a mix of both new data and data taken from public repositories, though they were reformatted to conceal their identity. In their analysis Guyon et al. reveal most methods fail to return results on at least some datasets due to practical issues (e.g., running out of memory).

In document Systems for AutoML Research (pagina 88-94)