• No results found

Chapter 6: Discussion

6.2 Conclusion and contributions




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Appendix 1 Histograms

Figure 4 Histogram AV_ROA

Figure 5 Histogram AV_ROS

Figure 6 Histogram control variables


Appendix 2 Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistic

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.


Skewness statistic

Skewness std. error

AV_ROA 345 -,04 ,05 ,0003 ,01233 -,540 ,131

AV_ROS 332 -2,56 2,41 ,0377 ,41764 -,729 ,134

AV_Employees 123 ,00 981,50 212,6802 274,05056 1,389 ,218

Years_active 418 2 133 22,56 20,040 2,210 ,119

AV_liq 298 ,00 41,21 3,3045 6,04342 3,976 ,141

Valid N



Table 20 Descriptive statistics before computing

Descriptive Statistic

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.


Skewness statistic

Skewness std. error

New_employees 115 ,00 2,99 1,8075 ,88032 ,775 -,518

New_yearsactive 418 ,30 2,12 1,2109 ,35818 ,128 -,072

New_liq 297 -2,00 1,62 ,1207 ,59850 ,358 -,107

Valid N



Table 21 Descriptive statistics after computing

63 Frequency table – Global cities

Frequency Percentage Cumulative percent

GC 169 40,1 40,1

NGC 252 59,9 100,0

Total 421 100,0

Table 22 Global cities

Frequency tabel – Continent difference

Frequency Percentage Cumulative percent

Different 89 21,1 21,1

Same 332 78,9 100,0

Total 421 100,0

Table 23 Continent difference

Frequency tabel – Food vs non-food

Frequency Percentage Cumulative percent

Food 334 79,3 79,3

Non-food 87 20,7 100,0

Total 421 100,0

Table 24 Food vs non-food

Frequency table - Digital

Frequency Percentage Cumulative percent

Digital 394 93,6 93,6

Non-digital 27 6,4 100,0

Total 421 100,0

Table 25 Digital nature