• No results found


2.9 Calculation details

Figure 2.5 – Dissociation curves for H2

RHF and UHF calculations were performed with Gaussian 09 C.01.113 The ‘exact solution’ curve was obtained from a Full CI calculation, performed with Firefly 8.0.0 beta114 QC program, which is based partially on GAMESS US source code.115 All calculations used an aug-cc-pV5Z basis set.

Figure 2.8 – Energies of LiF calculated with MP methods

The LiF geometry was optimized at the MP2/cc-pVTZ level. MPX energies were calculated with a cc-pVTZ basis set. The calculations were performed with Gaussian 09 C.01.

Figure 2.10 – Dissociation curves for LiF

SA-CASSCF energies were obtained with a (6,6) active space consisting of the Li 2s and F 2px, 2py 2pz, 2px’, and 2py’ orbitals and with state averaging over the lowest two roots. The SA-CASSCF orbitals were subsequently used as the reference for the XMCQDPT2 and MRCISD calculations. XMCQDPT2 calculations used a 2 × 2 sized model space and an energy denominator shift of

q The WP04 and WC04 functionals are reparameterized versions of the B3LYP functional and are optimized to predict hydrogen and carbon chemical shifts, respectively, in chloroform.

0.02 Hartree. SA-CASSCF and XMCQDPT2 calculations were performed with Firefly 8.0.0 beta. MRCISD calculations were performed with the ORMAS program in GAMESS US. All calculations used a DZV basis proposed by Bauschlicher and Langhoff.116

Figure 2.15 – Potential energy curves for H2

The ‘anharmonic’ curve is identical to the ‘exact solution’ curve of Figure 2.5.

The ‘harmonic’ curve was obtained from a Hessian calculation at the same level (bond length: 0.74166 Å; force constant: 1151.63 N m–1).

Figure 2.16 – Potential energy curves for H2

Calculation was performed with Gaussian 09 C.01. The convoluted spectrum was plotted with GaussSum 2.2.5 using Lorentzian curves with the full width at half maximum (FWMH) set to 10 cm–1.

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